Keskkonnamuutustele kohanemise tippkeskuse ENVIRON avalik seminar 28.04.2014
Keskkonnamuutustele kohanemise tippkeskus ENVIRON kutsub esmaspäeval 28.04 kõiki huvilisi kuulama ettekandeid avalikul seminaril (toimumiskohaks on TÜ Chemicum Ravila 14A ruum 1019). Lisatud ajakava.
- 14.15-14.55 Leho Tedersoo (TÜ, invited guest) "Global diversity of Fungi"
- 14.55-15.20 Kristiina Laanemets (TÜ, PhD-student) "From stomatal closure to opening in Arabidopsis thaliana SLAC1 mutant "
- 15.20-15.40 Kohvipaus/Coffee break
- 15.40-16.05 Kaarin Parts (TÜ, PhD-student) "Tree roots adapt to climate change - experiments with air humidity and soil temperature"
- 16.05-16.30 Peter C. Harley (EMÜ, Professor) ”Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions in a Ponderosa Pine Forest”
Peter C. Harley got his PhD degree from University of Michigan in Botany. PhD thesis: “Development of an analytical model of whole leaf photosynthesis for soybean”. During years 1992-2013 he worked as Associate Scientist in Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions Group in the Atmospheric Chemistry Division at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, USA. 2013-2014 Extraordinary Professor in the Department of Plant Physiology at EMU. Primary Research Interests: Physical and biological controls over biogenic volatile organic compound emissions; Role of biogenic volatile organic compounds in atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric composition; Extensive field work in Brazilian Amazon. H- index is 43.
Info: Tiia Kurvits ( tiia.kurvits@emu.ee ) & Liina Jakobson ( liina.jakobson@ut.ee )
Seminari korraldamist toetab ELi Regionaalarengu Fond.