Keskkonnamuutustele kohanemise tippkeskuse ENVIRON seminar 03.02.2014 - Global patterns of woody species stress tolerances
3. veebruaril algusega kell 13.00 toimub Metsamajas (Kreutzwaldi 5) D-korpuses ruumis 239 teaduse tippkeskuse ENVIRON seminar, kus teadur Lauri Laanisto esineb ettekandega teemal „Global patterns of woody species stress tolerances“.
Recent empirical studies have establised cold tolerance as the most important factor behind woody species distribution patterns at biogeographical scale. By knowing how species have adapted to changing climates and whether this process is more descendance or environment related, we can assess what the near future will bring us. Woody species play dominant role in majority of ecosystems, from facilitation to human economic affairs and changes in distribution patterns of woody species will therefore significantly affect most of terrestrial biodiversity.
In this talk I will focus on how cold tolerance of woody species is related to the other main stress factors for plants - waterlogging, drought and shading. What are the trade-offs between these stress factors and what environmental and evolutionary factors shape these trade-offs. Is it nature or nurture that drives the global patterns of woody species distributions?
Info: Tiia Kurvits, tiia.kurvits@emu.ee