Keskkonnamuutustele kohanemise tippkeskuse ENVIRON avalik seminar 27.01 14.15-16.30
Keskkonnamuutustele kohanemise tippkeskus ENVIRON kutsub kõiki esmaspäeval 27.01 kuulama avaliku seminari ettekandeid (toimumiskohaks on TÜ Chemicum Ravila 14A ruum 1019). Lisatud ajakava.
- 14.15-14.55 Maido Remm (TÜ, invited guest, Head of the Centre of Excellence in Genomics) "From genome sequences to DNA-based diagnostic tests"
- 14.55-15.20 Teele Ligi (TÜ, PhD-student) "Characterisation of bacterial communities in soil and sediment of a created riverine wetland complex using high-throughput 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing"
- 15.20-15.35 paus (tee/kohv)
- 15.35-16.00 Ebe Merilo (TÜ, senior researcher) "To open or close - stomatal responses of different species in controversial environment: results and perspectives."
- 16.00-16.25 Steffen Noe (EMÜ, senior researcher) ”SMEAR Estonia - growing science around a new infrastructure”
Info: Tiia Kurvits ( tiia.kurvits@emu.ee ) & Liina Jakobson ( liina.jakobson@ut.ee )