- Juhtimine
- Aianduse õppetool
- Elurikkuse ja loodusturismi õppetool
- Hüdrobioloogia ja kalanduse õppetool
- Keskkonnakaitse ja maastikukorralduse õppetool
- Maamajanduse ökonoomika õppetool
- Maastikuarhitektuuri õppetool
- Mullateaduse õppetool
- Taimekasvatuse ja taimebioloogia õppetool
- Taimetervise õppetool
- Polli aiandusuuringute keskus
- Rõhu Katsejaam
- Võrtsjärve Õppekeskuse Järvemuuseum
• Senise Botaanika osakonna inimeste publikatsioonid
2015 | ||
Jaaska, Vello | Phylogenetic relationships among sections Vicia, Sepium and Lathyroides of Vicia subgenus Vicia: isozyme evidence. . Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 62, 186 - 193. | 1.1. |
Melts, Indrek; Heinsoo, Katrin | Seasonal dynamics of bioenergy characteristics in grassland functional groups. Grass and Forage Science, 70(4), 571 - 581. | 1.1. |
Heinsoo, Katrin; Melts, Indrek; Kull, Tiiu | Agricultural bioenergy production. Lichtfouse, E. (Toim.). Sustainable Agriculture Reviews (xx - xx).Springer International Publishing [ilmumas] | 1.1. |
Melts, Indrek; Lanno, Kaire; Kaljund, Karin; Laanisto, Lauri; Kull, Tiiu | Elurikkus - Kliimamuutuste mõjuanalüüs, kohanemisstrateegia ja -rakenduskava looduskeskkonna ja biomajanduse teemavaldkondades. [ilmumas] | |
Reitalu, Triin; Gerhold, Pille; Poska, Anneli; Pärtel, Meelis; Väli, Vivika; Veski, Siim | Novel insights into post-glacial vegetation change: functional and phylogenetic diversity in pollen records. Journal of Vegetation Science, 26, 911 - 922. | 1.1. |
Oja, J.; Kohout, P.; Tedersoo, L.; Kull, T.; Kõljalg, U. | Temporal patterns of orchid mycorrhizal fungi in meadows and forests as revealed by 454 pyrosequencing. New Phytologist, x - x. | 1.1. |
Ilves, Aigi; Metsare, Mirjam; Tali, Kadri; Kull, Tiiu | The impact of recent colonization on the genetic diversity and fine-scale genetic structure in Orchis militaris (L.) . Plant Systematics and Evolution, xxx - xxx. | 1.1. |
Laanisto, Lauri | Isikupära ja ilmavaade geoloogihaamrina teadusliku objektiivsuse paljandit toksimas: Noppeid värskemast Stephen Jay Gouldi pihta suunatud kriitikast. Akadeemia, 27(11), 1969 - 1982. | |
Laanisto, Lauri | Polytolerance to abiotic stresses: how universal is the shade-drought tolerance trade-off in woody species? In: 58th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science: Understanding broad-scale vegetation patterns: 58th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science; Brno, Tšehhi; 19-24 juuli. (Toim.) Chytry, Milan; Zeleny, David; Hettenbergerova, Eva. Brno, Tšehhi:, 220. | |
Viikmaa, Mart; Laanisto, Lauri; Tinn, Oive | Darwini kõrvakiil inimkonna eneseuhkuse pihta. Tinn, Oive; Laanisto, Lauri; Viikmaa Mart (Toim.). Inimese põlvnemine (675 - 688). Tartu: Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts | |
Laanisto, Lauri; Kaplinski, Lauris; Kull, Kalevi | Õpetuste ilmavaatelised kupitsad koos eraldusjoonte teooria(te)ga. Schola Biotheoretica, 41, 7 - 10. | |
Laanisto, Lauri | Millest me üldse räägime, kui me räägime heterogeensusest ja fragmentatsioonist? Schola Biotheoretica, 41, 61 - 82. | |
Laanisto, Lauri | Polytolerance to abiotic stresses: how universal is the shade-drought tolerance trade-off in woody species? In: ESA 100th Annual Meeting & Exposition: Ecological Science at the Frontier; celebrating the ESA centennial. Baltimore, USA, 9-14 august. USA:, 96. | |
Laanisto, Lauri; Sammul, Marek; Kull, Tiiu; Macek, Petr; Hutchings, Michael J. | Trait-based analysis of decline in plant species ranges during the 20th century: a regional comparison between the UK and Estonia . Global Change Biology, xx - xx. | 1.1. |
Laanisto, Lauri | Juuksepiirist ehk eestlase rahvusorganit otsimas. Schola Biotheoretica, 41, 175 - 178. | |
Laanisto, Lauri | Trait-based analysis of decline in common European plant species ranges during the 20th century. In: EU MACRO 2015 Abstracts: EU MACRO 2015. Kopenhaagen, Taani:, 12. | |
Laanisto, Lauri; Sammul, Marek; Kull, Tiiu; Macek, Petr; Hutchings, Michael J. | Trait-based analysis of decline in plant species ranges during the 20th century: a regional comparison between the UK and Estonia . Global Change Biology, 21(7), 2726 - 2738. | |
Leito, A.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Külvik, M.; Ojaste, I.; Raet, J.; Villoslada, M.; Leivits, M.; Kull, A.; Kuusemets, V.; Kull, T.; Metzger, M. J.; Sepp, K. | The potential impacts of changes in ecological networks, land use and climate on the Eurasian crane population in Estonia. Landscape Ecology, 30, 887 - 904. | |
Metsare, Mirjam; Ilves, Aigi; Haldna, Marina; Kull, Tiiu; Tali, Kadri | Four Seed Quality Measures in Orchids with different Pollination Systems. Acta Botanica Gallica, 1 - 9. [ilmumas] | 1.1. |
Kana, Silja; Otsus, Merit; Sammul, Marek; Laanisto, Lauri; Kull, Tiiu | Change in species composition during 55 years: a re-sampling study of species-rich meadows in Estonia. Annales Botanici Fennici, 52(3-4), 419 - 431. | 1.1. |
Sootla, Kristi; Tuvikene, Rando; Kull, Tiiu | Flower scent - flower colour associations in Gymnadenia conopsea s.l. In: International Conference on Temperate Orchids Research & Conservation TORC’2015: Programme & abstracts: International Conference on Temperate Orchids Research & Conservation TORC’2015, Samos Island, Greece, 13-19 April 2015. Greece: Sails-for-Science Foundation, 77. | |
Melts, Indrek; Lanno, Kaire; Kaljund, Karin; Laanisto, Lauri; Kull, Tiiu | Elurikkus - Kliimamuutuste mõjuanalüüs, kohanemisstrateegia ja -rakenduskava looduskeskkonna ja biomajanduse teemavaldkondades. [ilmumas] | |
Leito, A.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Külvik, M.; Ojaste, I.; Raet, J.; Villoslada, M.; Leivits, M.; Kull, A.; Kuusemets, V.; Kull, T.; Metzger, M. J.; Sepp, K. | The potential impacts of changes in ecological networks, land use and climate on the Eurasian crane population in Estonia. Landscape Ecology, 30, 887 - 904. | 1.1. |
Vellak, Kai; Ingerpuu, Nele; Leis, Mare; Ehrlich, Loore | Annotated checklist of Estonian bryophytes. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 52, 109 - 127. | |
2014 | ||
Melts, Indrek; Normak, Argo; Nurk, Liina; Heinsoo, Katrin | Biochemical methane potential of feedstock from nature conservation managements. In: Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography: 3rd International Conference on Biodiversity & Sustainable Energy Development, Valencia, June 24-26. OMICS Publishing Group, 15. | 1.1. |
Isebrands, J.G.; Aronsson, P.; Carlson, M.; Ceulemans, R.; Coleman, M.; Dickinson, N.; Dimitriou, J.; Doty, S.; Gardiner, E.; Heinsoo, K.; Johnson, J.D.; Koo, Y.B.; Kort, J.; Kuzovkina, J.; Licht, L.; McCracken, A.R.; McIvor, I.; Mertens, P.; Perttu, K.; Riddell-Black, D.; Robinson, B.; Scarascia-Mugnozza, G.; Schroeder, W.R.; Stanturf, J.; Volk, T.A.; Weich, M. | Environmental Applications of Poplars and Willows. Isebrants, J.G.; Richardson, J. (Toim.). Poplars and Willows: Trees for Society and the Environment (258 - 336).C A B I Publishing | 1.1. |
Melts, Indrek; Normak, Argo; Nurk, Liina; Heinsoo, Katrin | Chemical characteristics of biomass from nature conservation management for methane production. Bioresource Technology, 167, 226 - 231. | 1.1. |
Melts, Indrek; Heinsoo, Katrin; Ivask, Mari | Herbage production and chemical characteristics for bioenergy production by plant functional groups from semi-natural grasslands. Biomass & Bioenergy, 67C, 160 - 166. | 1.1. |
Holm, Bert; Heinsoo, Katrin | Biogas digestate suitability for the fertilisation of young Salix plants. Baltic Forestry, 20(2), 263 - 271. | 1.1. |
Heinsoo, Katrin; Dimitriou, Ioannis | Growth performance of willow clones in short rotation coppice after sewage sludge application. Baltic Forestry, 20(1), 70 - 77. | 1.1. |
Hensgen, Frank; Bühle, Lutz; Donnison, Iain; Heinsoo, Katrin; Wachendorf, Michael | Energetic conversion of European semi-natural grassland silages through the integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass: Energy yields and the fate of organic compounds. Bioresource Technology, 154, 192 - 200. | 1.1. |
Kull, Thea; Jaaska, Vello | High clonality and low sexual reproduction in small fragmented populations of Astragalus arenarius L. at the northern edge of its geographic range . Annales Botanici Fennici, 51, 90 - 100. | 1.1. |
Poska, Anneli; Saarse, Leili; Koppel, Kalev; Nielsen, Anne B.; Avel, Eve; Vassiljev; Jüri; Väli, Vivika: | The Verijärv area, South Estonia over the last millennium: A high resolution quantitative land-cover reconstruction based on pollen and historical data. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology: 207: 5-17 | 1.1. |
Reitalu, Triin; Gerhold, Pille; Väli, Vivika; Poska, Anneli; Pärtel, Meelis, Veski, Siim | Palynological richness, evenness, phylogenetic and functional diversity over the entire post-glacial period in NE Europe. In: Abstract book: 9th European Palaeobotany - Palynology Conference, 26-31 August 2014. Padova, Italy:, 225 - 226. | 5.2. |
Väli, Vivika; Poska, Anneli; Kihno, Kersti; Alliksaar, Tiiu; Saarse, Leili; Tomson, Pille; Vassiljev, Jüri | Reconstructing past vegetation changes in Karula heights, South-Estonia over the last millennia. In: Abstract book: 9th European Palaeobotany - Palynology Conference, 26-31 August 2014, Padova, Italy, 289. | 5.2. |
Lanno, Kaire; Sammul, Marek | The survival of transplants of rare Ligularia sibirica is enhanced by neighbouring plants. Folia Geobotanica, 49(2), 163 - 173. | 1.1. |
Lanno, Kaire | Long-term changes in the Estonian flora and measures for conservation. (Doktoritöö, Eesti Maaülikool) Tartu: Ecoprint | 2.3. |
Rannap, Riinu; Kaart, Tanel; Pehlak, Hannes; Kana, Silja; Nellis, Renno; Soomets, Elin; Lanno, Kaire | Rannaniitude majandamine ja hüdroloogia: mis määrab kahlajate ja kahepaiksete elupaigakvaliteedi? Rannap, Riinu; Sõber, Virve; Tiitsaar, Anu; Kraut, Ann (Toim.). Loopealsete ja rannaniitude majandamine ja elustiku seisund (31 - 45). Tartu: Tartu Ülikool | 3.2. |
Kana, Silja; Lanno, Kaire | Rannaniitude seisund ja selle seos hooldustoetuste ning sidususega. Rannap, Riinu; Sõber, Virve; Tiitsaar, Anu; Kraut, Ann (Toim.). Loopealsete ja rannaniitude majandamine ja elustiku seisund (46 - 53). Tartu: Tartu Ülikool | 3.2. |
Laanisto, Lauri | Pooltoore tellisega konnatiiki pildumas ehk jutustus veest ja ilmast. Keel ja Kirjandus, 4, 308 - 314. | 1.2. |
Laanisto, Lauri; Vanatoa, Alo; Kull, Kalevi | Schola Biotheoretica bibliograafia. Tambet Tõnissoo, Lauri Laanisto, Maarja Öpik, Alo Vanatoa, Toomas Tammaru, Marge Thetloff, Kalevi Ku (Toim.). Schola Biotheoretica XL Epigeneetiline pööre (55 - 106). Tartu: Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts | 3.5. |
Laanisto, Lauri; Kull, Tiiu; Hutchings, Michael J. | Persistence of common plants: comparative trait-based analysis of distribution changes in the UK and Estonia during the 20th century. In: Biodiversity & Vegetation: Pattern, Process, Conservation: 57tht Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science; 1-5 September, The Univesity of Western Australia, Perth. (Toim.) Mucina, L; Price, J. N.; Kalwij, J. M.. Kwongan Foundation, 127. | 5.2. |
Jaaska, Vello | Isozyme variation and differentiation of morphologically cryptic species in the Brachypodium distachyon complex. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 56, 185 - 190. | 1.1. |
Kull, Tiiu; Ilves, Aigi | Kas hall käpp vajaks Eestis tõhusamat kaitset. Eesti Loodus, 6/7, 10 - 13. | 6.3. |
Sootla, Kristi; Kull, Tiiu | Flower color polymorphism in Fragrant Orchid (Gymnadenia conopsea): reproductive success and its relations to flower colour and shoot density. In: Book of abstracts: Forest landscape mosaics: disturbance, restoration and management at times of global change, Tartu, 11-14 August 2014. (Toim.) Kangur, A.; Metslaid, M.; Moser, W. K.; Trei, P.. Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool, (Transactions of the Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering; 40), 131. | 5.2. |
Otsus, Merit; Kukk, Dora; Kattai, Kaili; Sammul, Marek | Clonal ability, height and growth form explain species' response to habitat deterioration in Fennoscandian wooded meadows. Plant Ecology, 215, 953 - 962. | 1.1. |
Lähdesmäki, M., Matilainen, A., Sudakova, L., Evans, R., Kattai, K. | Comcot - an innovative tool for improving the competitiveness of community-based tourism. The evaluation of the community-based tourism development process. publisher University of Helsinki Ruralia Institute | 3.2. |
Kask, Sergey . | Use of 3D visualization for sustainable tourism planning. Sustainable Tourism 2014. | 5.2. |
2013 | ||
Gazol, Antonio; Tamme, Riin; Price, Jodi N; Hiiesalu, Inga; Laanisto, Lauri; Pärtel, Meelis | A negative heterogeneity-diversity relationship found in experimental grassland communities. Oecologia, 173(2), 545 - 555. | 1.1. |
Remm, L.; Lõhmus, P.; Leis, M.; Lõhmus, A. | ). Long-term impacts of forest ditching on non-aquatic biodiversity: conservation perspectives for a novel ecosystem. PLoS ONE, 8(4), e63086 | 1.1. |
Laanisto, Lauri | Keskmise defitsiit. Acta Semiotica Estica, X, 251 - 256. | 1.2. |
Vellak, Kai; Kannukene, Leiti; Leis, Mare; Ingerpuu, Nele | New Estonian records: mosses. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 50, 121-122. | 1.2. |
Kukk, Toomas; Kalamees, Rein; Kull, Kalevi; Sammul, Marek (2013). | Kirjandusloetelu Laelatu puisniidu kohta. Kukk, Toomas (Toim.). Laelatu ajalugu ja loodus (235 - 244). Tartu: Pärandkoosluste Kaitse Ühing | 3.2 |
Sammul, Marek; Kukk, Toomas (2013). | Liigirikkaimad taimkatteanalüüsid Laelatu puisniidul. Kukk, Toomas (Toim.). Laelatu ajalugu ja loodus (108 - 122). Tartu: Pärandkoosluste Kaitse Ühing | 3.2 |
Sammul, Marek; Kull, Kalevi; Kattai, Kaili (2013). | Pikaajaline väetuskatse Laelatu puisniidul. Kukk, Toomas (Toim.). Laelatu ajalugu ja loodus (39 - 79). Tartu: Pärandkoosluste Kaitse Ühing | 3.2 |
Laanisto, Lauri | Süsteemibioloogia kümme alusprintsiipi. Schola Biotheoretica XXXIX Süsteemibioloogia (13 - 18). Tartu: Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts | 3.5 |
Laanisto, Lauri | Omnioomika. Schola Biotheoretica XXXIX Süsteemibioloogia (107 - 115). Tartu: Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts | 3.5 |
Virve Sõber, Lauri Laanisto, Maarja Öpik, Toomas Tammaru, Kalevi Kull (Toim.) | Schola Biotheoretica XXXIX Süsteemibioloogia. Tartu: Eesti Looduseuurijate Selts | 4.2 |
Laanisto, Lauri | Loodus ei peegeldu mitte kujus, vaid kujunemises. Sirp 3429 | 6.6 |
Sammul, Marek. | Kust tulevad plagiaadid? Postimees 23.04.2013. | 6.6 |
Davis, B.A.S.; Zanon, M.; Collins, P.; Mauri, A.; Bakker, J.; Barboni, D.; Barthelmes, A.; Beaudouin, C.; Bjune, A.E.; Bozilova, E.; Bradshaw, R.H.W.; Brayshay, B.A.; Brewer, S.; Brugiapaglia, E.; Bunting, J.; Connor, S.E.; de Beaulieu, J.-L.; Edwards, K.; Ejarque, A.; Fall, P.; Florenzano, A.; Fyfe, R.; Galop, D.; Giardini, M.; Giesecke, T.; Grant, M.J.; Guiot, J.; Jahns, S.; Jankovská, V.; Juggins, S.; Kahrmann, M.; Karpińska-Kołaczek, M.; Kołaczek, P.; Kühl, N.; Kuneš, P.; Lapteva, E.G.; Leroy, S.A.G.; Leydet, M.; López Sáez, J.A.; Masi, A.; Matthias, I.; Mazier, F.; Meltsov, V.; Mercuri, A.M.; Miras, Y.; Mitchell, F.J.G.; Morris, J.L.; Naughton, F.; Nielsen, A.B.; Novenko, E.; Odgaard, B.; Ortu, E.; Overballe-Petersen, M.V.; Pardoe, H.S.; Peglar, S.M.; Pidek, I.A.; Sadori, L.; Seppä, H.; Severova, E.; Shaw, H.; Święta-Musznicka, J.; Theuerkauf, M.; Tonkov, S.; Veski, S.; van der Knaap, W.O.; van Leeuwen, J.F.N.; Woodbridge, J.; Zimny, M.; Kaplan, J.O. | The European Modern Pollen Database (EMPD) project. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany | 1.1. |
Holm, Bert ; Heinsoo, Katrin | The influence of composted sewage sludge on the wood yield of willow short rotation coppice - an Estonian case study | 1.1. |
Holm, Bert ; Heinsoo, Katrin | Municipal wastewater application to Short Rotation Coppice of willows - Treatment efficiency and clone response in Estonian case study | 1.1. |
Ilves, A; Lanno, K; Sammul, M.; Tali, K. | Genetic variability, population size and reproduction potential in Ligularia sibirica (L.) populations in Estonia. Conservation Genetics | 1.1. |
Kaljund, K., Leht, M., Jaaska, V. | Highly variable clonal diversity and spatial structure in populations of sickle medic. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 47 : 93-100. | 1.1. |
Kaljund, Karin; Leht, Malle | Extensive introgressive hybridization from cultivated lucerne to populations of native sickle medic in Estonia. Annales Botanici Fennici 50: 23-31 | 1.1. |
Kull, Thea; Jaaska, Vello | High clonality and low sexual reproduction in small fragmented populations of Astragalus arenarius L. at the northern edge of its geographic range. Annales Botanici Fennici | 1.1. |
Lanno, K; Sammul, M. | The survival of transplants of rare Ligularia sibirica is enhanced by neighbouring plants. Folia Geobotanica | 1.1. |
Melts, Indrek ; Heinsoo, Katrin ; Nurk, Liina ; Pärn, Linnar | Comparison of two different bioenergy production options from late harvested biomass of Estonian semi-natural grasslands | 1.1. |
Meltsov, Vivika; Poska, Anneli; Reitalu, Triin; Sammul, Marek; Kull, Tiiu | The role of landscape structure in determining palynological and floristic richness. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany | 1.1. |
Poska, A.; Saarse, L.; Koppel., K.; Nielsen, A.B.; Avel, E.; Vassiljev, J.; Meltsov, V. | The Verijärv area, South Estonia over the last millennium: A high resolution quantitative landcover reconstruction based on pollen and historical data. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology | 1.1. |
Leht, Malle; Ingerpuu, Nele. | Tudengid ja Laelatu puisniit. Estonia Maritima 9: 178-180. | 3.2. |
Kihno, Kersti; Väli, Vivika; Jääts, Liisi; Post, Triine | Pollen trapping related to an experimental use of slash-and-burn cultivation in Karula National Park, Estonia. Pollen Monitoring Programme Prague 2013 | 5.2. |
Melts, Indrek ; Heinsoo, Katrin ; Menind, Andres | Floodplain meadows as alternative source of biomass for bioenergy production | 5.2. |
Reitalu, Triin; Gerhold, Pille; Väli, Vivika; Pärtel, Meelis; Veski, Siim | Diversity components of 14000-year palynological record: richness, evenness, phylogenetic and functional diversity. Pollen Monitoring Programme Prague 2013. Abstracts. | 5.2. |
Pecoraro, L.; Girlanda, M.; Kull, T.; Perini, C.; Perotto, S. | Fungi from the roots of the terrestrial photosynthetic orchid Himantoglossum adriaticum. Plant Ecology and Evolution, 146(2), 145 - 152. | 1.1. |
Perotto, S.; Angelini, P.; Bianciotto, V.; Bonfante, P.; Girlanda, M.; Kull, T.; Mello, A.; Pecoraro, L.; Perini, C.; Persiani, A. M.; Saitta, A.; Sarrocco, S.; Vannacci, G.; Venanzoni, R.; Venturella, G.; Selosse, M. A. | Interactions of fungi with other organisms. Plant Biosystems, 147(1), 208 - 218. | 1.1. |
2012 | ||
Aigi Ilves, Kaire Lanno, Marek Sammul, Kadri Tali | Genetic variability, population size and reproduction potential in Ligularia sibirica (L.) populations in Estonia | 1.1. |
Trávníček, Pavel; Jersáková, Jana; Kubátová, Barbora; Krejčíková, Jana; Lučanová, Magdalena; Krajníková, Eva; Malinová, Tamara; Štípková, Zuzana; Amardeilh, Jean-Pierre; Bateman, Richard M.; Brzosko, Emilia; Cabanne, Olivier; Durka, Walter; Dworschak, Werner; Efimov, Peter; Hedren, Mikael; Hermosilla, Carlos E.; Kreutz, Karel; Kull, Tiiu; Marchand, Olivier; Mohrmann, Wilfried; Rey, Manel; Schiestl, Florian P.; Tali, Kadri; Wasilewska, Edyta; Čurn, Vladislav; Suda, Jan. | Minority cytotypes in European populations of the Gymnadenia conopsea complex (Orchidaceae) greatly increase intraspecific and intrapopulation diversity. Annals of Botany, 110, 977 - 986. | 1.1. |
Shefferson, R. P.; Kull, Tiiu; Tali, K.; Kellett, K. M. | Linking vegetative dormancy to fitness in two long-lived herbaceous perennials. Ecosphere, 3(2, 13), 1 - 19. | 1.2. |
Tali, Kadri; Kull, Tiiu | Käokeel ehk ööviiul. Eesti Loodus, 5, 8 - 11. | 6.3. |
Kaire Lanno, Marek Sammul | The need for more sufficient restoration effort: slow vegetation change in restored coastal meadows, The abstract book: The 8th European Conference on Ecological restoration, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, September 9-14 | 5.2. |
Kaire Lanno, Marek Sammul | The survival of transplants of rare Ligularia sibirica is enhanced by neighbouring plants, Folia Geobotanica (accepted) | 1.1. |
Saar, Maret | Investigation of the electrostatic charge of basidiospores of the Phellinus igniarius group. Central European Journal of Biology. (In print.) | 1.1. |
Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q., Sammul, M. | Physiological integration ameliorates negative effects of drought stress in the clonal herb Fragaria orientalis. – PLoS ONE 7(9): e44221. | 1.1. |
Sammul, M., Kauer, K., Köster, T. | Biomass accumulation during reed encroachment reduces efficiency of restoration of Baltic coastal grasslands. – Applied Vegetation Science 15(2): 219-230 | 1.1. |
Aigi Ilves, Kaire Lanno, Marek Sammul, Kadri Tali | Lowered recruiting potential in genetically impoverished populations of Ligularia sibirica (L.) in Estonia. The abstract book: BIORARE 2012: International symposium on biology of rare and endemic plant species. Fethiye, Turkey, 23-27 April 2012 | 5,2 |
Karin Kaljund, Malle Leht | Extensive introgressive hybridization from cultivated lucerne to populations of native sickle medic in Estonia. Annales Botanici Fennici 50: in press. | 1,1 |
Karin Kaljund, Malle Leht, Vello Jaaska | Highly variable clonal diversity and spatial structure in populations of sickle medic. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 47:93-100. | 1,1 |
Bühle, Lutz; Hensgen, Frank; Donnison, Iain; Heinsoo, Katrin; Wachendorf, Michael | Life cycle assessment of the integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass (IFBB) in comparison to different energy recovery, animal-based and non-refining management . Bioresource Technology, 111, 230 - 239. | 1.1. |
Hensgen, Frank; Bühle, Lutz; Donnison, Iain; Frasier, Mariecia; Vale, Jim; Corton, John; Heinsoo, Katrin; Melts, Indrek; Wachendorf, Michael | Mineral concentrations in solid fuels from European semi-natural grasslands after hydrothermal conditioning and subsequent mechanical dehydration. Bioresource Technology, 118, 332 - 342. | 1.1. |
Holm, B.; Heinsoo, K. | The influence of composted sewage sludge on the wood yield of willow short rotation coppice - an Estonian case study. Environment Protection Engineering, 1, xx - xx. [ilmumas] | 1.1. |
K.Heinsoo | Bioenergia majandusmudelid, Maamajandus | 6,3 |
Menind, Andres; Oper, Liis; Kers, Jaan; Melts, Indrek | Preliminary investigation of technological, physical, and economical parameters of herbaceous biomass briquettes. Lecture Notes in Information Technology 9, 134-140. | 1.1 |
Melts, Indrek; Heinsoo, Katrin; Ivask, Mari | Herbage production and quality of grasses, sedges-rushes, legumes and other forbs in semi-natural grasslands for bioenergy. Grass & Forage Science xx, xx-xx. | 1.1 |
Melts, Indrek; Heinsoo, Katrin; Nurk, Liina; Pärn, Linnar | Comparison of two different bioenergy production options from late harvested biomass of Toestan semi-natural grasslands. Energy xx, xx-xx. | 1.1 |
Pecoraro, L.; Girlanda, M.; Kull, T.; Perini, C.; Perotto, S. | Molecular identification of root fungal associates in Orchis pauciflora Tenore. Plant Biosystems, 146(4), 985 - 991. | 1.1. |
Pecoraro, L.; Girlanda, M.; Kull, T.; Perini, C.; Perotto, S. | Analysis of fungal diversity in Orchis tridentata Scopoli. Central European Journal of Biology, 7(5), 850 - 857. | 1.1. |
Perotto, S.; Angelini, P.; Bianciotto, V.; Bonfante, P.; Girlanda, M.; Kull, T.; Mello, A.; Pecoraro, L.; Perini, C.; Persiani, A.M.; Saitta, A.; Sarrocco, S.; Vannacci, G.; Venanzoni, R.; Venturella, G.; Selosse, M.A. | ). Interactions of fungi with other organisms. Plant Biosystems, 147, in press | 1.1. |
Pecoraro, L.; Girlanda, M.; Kull, T.; Perini, C.; Perotto, S. | Fungi from the roots of the terrestrial photosynthetic orchid Himantoglossum adriaticum. Plant Ecology and Evolution, in press | 1.1. |
Tiiu Kull, Aat Sarv | Orhideeturism. Eesti Loodus 6, | 6.3. |
Tiiu Kull | Orhideede rikkus on suhetes. Lehed ja tähed | 6.3. |
Heinsoo, Katrin; Hein, Katre; Melts, Indrek; Holm, Bert; Ivask, Mari. | Reed canary grass yield and fuel quality in Estonian farmers’ fields. Biomass & Bioenergy, 35(1), 617 - 625. |
Lõhmus A., Kull T. | Orchid abundance in hemiboreal forests ― stand-scale effects of clear-cutting, green-tree retention, and artificial drainage. Canadian Journal of Forest Research-Revue Canadienne de Recherche Forestiere, 41(6), 1352 - 1358. |
Meltsov V., Poska A., Odgaard B. V., Sammul M., Kull T. | Palynological richness and pollen sample evenness in relation to local floristic diversity in southern Estonia. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 166, 344 - 351. |
Kull Thea, Kull Tiiu, Sammul Marek. | Reduced light availability and increased competition diminish the reproductive success of wet forest sedge Carex loliacea L. Plant Species Biology, 26(1), 84 - 92. |
Poska, Anneli; Meltsov, Vivika; Sugita, Shinya; Vassiljev, Jüri | Relative pollen productivity estimates of major anemophilous taxa and relevant source area of pollen in a cultural landscape of the hemi-boreal forest zone (Estonia). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 167, 30 - 39. |
Sammul, Marek; Kauer, Karin; Köster, Tiina | Biomass accumulation during reed encroachment reduces efficiency of restoration of Baltic coastal grasslands. – Applied Vegetation Science, ilmumas, DOI: 10.1111/j.1654-109X.2011.01167.x |
Sammul, Marek | Length of the spacer rather than its plasticity relates to species distribution in various natural habitats. – Folia Geobotanica 46(2-3): 137-153, DOI: 10.1007/s12224-010-9097-y |
Klimešová, Jitka; Doležal, Jiri; Sammul, Marek | Evolutionary and organismic constraints on the relationship between spacer length and environmental conditions in clonal plants. – Oikos 120(7): 1110-1120, DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2011.19332.x. |
Bühle, L.; Hensgen, F.; Donnison, I.; Heinsoo, K.; Wachendorf, M. | Evaluation of fuel and biogas production on typical semi-natural grasslands in Germany, Wales and Estonia. In: Grassland Farming and Land Management Systems in Mountainous Regions. Grassland Science in Europe, 16, 398 - 400. |
Bühle, L.; Hensgen, F.; Donnison, I.; Heinsoo, K.; Wachendorf, M. | Improving combustion performance of European grassland biomass through water mashing and subsequent dehydration. In: Grassland Farming and Land Management Systems in Mountainous Regions. Grassland Science in Europe, 16, 401 - 403. |
Bühle, L.; Urban, A.; Hensgen, F.; Donnison, I.; Heinsoo, K.; Wachendorf, M. | Technische und ökologische Aspekte der Produktion und Verwertung von Festbrennstoff aus Biomasse von Extensivgrünland. Mitteilungen der gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, 23, 85 - 86. |
Hensgen, F.; Bühle, L.; Donnison, I.; Heinsoo, K.; Wachendorf, M. | Verbesserung der Brennstoffeingenschaften von Grünlandbrennstoffen durch Maischung und mechanische Entwässerung. Mitteilungen der gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, 23, 83 - 84. |
Vellak, K., Leis, M., Ingerpuu, N., Kannukene, L. | New Estonian Records. Mosses. Folia Cryptocamica Estonica, 2011, Fasc.48, pp.152-154 |
Heinsoo, K., Melts, I., Sammul, M., Holm, B. | The potential of Estonian semi-natural grasslands for bioenergy production. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 137: 86-92. |
Hirv, Margit; Tali, Kadri; Haldna, Marina; Kull, Tiiu | Habitat preferences as related to the prolonged dormancy of perennial herbs and ferns. Plant Ecology |
Kull, Thea; Oja, Tatjana | Allozyme diversity and geographic variation among populations of the locally endangered species Carex magellanica subsp. irrigua (Cyperaceae). Folia Geobotanica |
Kaljund, Karin; Jaaska Vello | No loss of genetic diversity in small and isolated populations of Medicago sativa subsp. falcata. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology |
Heinsoo, Katrin; Hein, Katre; Melts, Indrek; Holm, Bert; Ivask, M. | The practice of reed canary grass cultivation in Estonian farmers' fields. Biomass & Bioenergy |
Toome, Merje; Randjärv, Pille; Copolovici, Lucian; Niinemets, Ülo; Heinsoo, Katrin; Luik, Anne; Noe, Steffen M. | Leaf rust induced volatile organic compounds signalling in willow during the infection. Planta, 232(1), 235 - 243. |
Toome, Merje; Heinsoo, Katrin; Holm, Bert; Luik, Anne | The influence of canopy density on willow leaf rust (Melampsora epitea) severity in willow short rotation coppice. Biomass & Bioenergy, 34(8), 1201 - 1206 |
Aasamaa, Krõõt; Heinsoo, Katrin; Holm, Bert | Biomass production, water use and photosynthesis of Salix clones grown in a wastewater purification system. Biomass & Bioenergy, 34(6), 897 - 905 |
Toome, Merje; Heinsoo, Katrin; Luik, Anne | Relation between leaf rust (Melampsora epitea) severity and the specific leaf area in short rotation coppice willows. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 126, 583 - 588. |
Kaljund, Karin; Leht, Malle | Medicago falcata L. in Estonia: chromosomal and morphological variability, distribution and vulnerability of taxa. Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis |
Krall, H.; Kukk, T.; Kull, T.; Kuusk, Vi.; Leht, M.; Oja, T.; Pihu, S.; Reier, Ü.; Zingel, H.; Tuulik, T.; Muuga, G.; Zingel, H. | Eesti taimede määraja. Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool : Eesti Loodusfoto |
Saag, A.; Randlane, T.; Leht, M | Keys to plants and lichens on smartphones: Estonian examples. Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems |
Randlane, T.; Leht, M.; Saag, A | The Estonian eFlora. Tools for Identifying Biodiversity: Progress and Problems |
Schmeller, Dirk; Henry, Pierre-Yves; Julliard, Romain; Clobert, Jean; Gruber, Bernd; Dziock, Frank; Lengyel, Szabolcs; Nowicki, Piotr; Déri, Eszter; Budrys, Eduardas; Kull, Tiiu; Tali, Kadri; Bauch, Bianca; Settele, Josef; van Swaay, Chris; Kobler, Andrej; Babij, Valerija; Papastergiadou, Eva; Henle, Klaus (2009). Advantages of volunteer-based biodiversity monitoring in Europe. Conservation Biology, 23(2), 307 - 316.
Mesipuu, Meeli; Shefferson, Richard P.; Kull, Tiiu (2009). Weather and herbivores influence fertility in the endangered fern Botrychium multifidum (S.G. Gmel.) Rupr. Plant Ecology, 203(1), 23 - 31.
Toome, Merje; Heinsoo, Katrin; Ramstedt, Mauritz; Luik, Anne (2009). Rust severity in bioenergy willow plantations treated with additional nutrients. Forest Pathology, 39, 28 - 34.
Truu, M.; Truu, J.; Heinsoo, K. (2009). Changes in soil microbial community under willow coppice: the effect of irrigation with secondary-treated municipal wastewater. Ecological Engineering, 35(6), 1011 - 1020.
Vulla, E.; Hobson, K.A.; Korsten, M.; Leht, M.; Martin, J.A.; Lind, A.; Männil, P.; Valdmann, H.; Saarma, U. (2009). Carnivory is positively correlated with latitude among omnivorous mammals: evidence from brown bears, badgers and pine martens. Environment, 46, 395 - 415.
Heinsoo, Katrin; Merilo, Ebe; Petrovits, Margit; Koppel, Andres (2009). Fine root biomass and production in a Salix viminalis and Salix dasyclados plantation . Estonian Journal of Ecology, 58(1), 27 - 37.
Leht, Malle (2009). Phylogenetics of Vicia (Fabaceae) based on morphological data. Feddes Repertorium, 120(7-8), 379 - 393.
Kaljund, Karin; Leht, Malle (2009). Medicago falcata L. in Estonia: chromosomal and morphological variability, distribution and vulnerability of taxa. Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis, x [ilmumas]
Leht, Malle (2009). Phylogeny of Old World Lathyrus L. (Fabaceae) based on morphological data. Feddes Repertorium, 120(1-2), 59 - 74.
Kannukene, L. and Leis, M. (2009). Bryoflora and vegetation of Pakri Islands (Gulf of Finland, Estonia). – Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 45:55-63.
Vellak, K., Ingerpuu, N., Kannukene, L. and Leis, M. (2009). New Estonian records and amendments. Liverworts and mosses. – Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 45:91-93.
Kull, Tiiu; Arditti, Joseph; Wong, Sek Man (2009). Orchid Biology: Reviews and Perspectives X. Springer
Kaljund, Karin; Leht, Malle (2009). Medicago falcata/sativa complex in Estonia: Introgression and threat to native biodiversity. In: Vegetation Processes and Human Impact in a Changing World. Abstracts: Vegetation Processes and Human Impact in a Changing World. 52nd International Symposium IAVS, Chania, Crete, May 30- June 4 2009. , 2009, 183.
Saar, Maret (2009). Flowering and airborne pollen of Poaceae in Tartu (Estonia).In: Book of Abstracts: International Conference on "Scope and current limits of linking phenology and climatology" 10th to 12th of March 2009 Geisenheim Research Center, Geisenheim, Germany; Geisenheim Research Center, p 69.
Melts, Indrek; Heinsoo, Katrin; Sammul, Marek; Pärn, Linnar (2008). Poollooduslike rohumaade rohtse biomassi energeetiline potentsiaal Eestis. In: Taastuvate energiaallikate uurimine ja kasutamine: TEUK , Tartu Eesti 2008. (Toim.) Elis Vollmer, Argo Normak. Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool, 2008, 88 - 96.
Primack, Richard B.; Kuresoo, Rein; Sammul, Marek (2008). Sissejuhatus looduskaitsebioloogiasse. Tartu: Eesti Loodusfoto
Kaljund, Karin; Leht, Malle (2008). Sickle medic (Medicago falcata L.) in Estonia: chromosomal and morphological variability, distribution and vulnerability of taxa. In: 22nd Expedition of Baltic Botanists. Abstracts and Excursion Guides: Daugavpils, Latvia, July 14-17, 2008. Daugavpils: Daugavpils University, 2008, 25 - 26.
Otsus, Merit; Kattai, Kaili (2008). Restoring of wooded meadows in Estonia: recovery of species diversity via natural processes. In: Book of abstracts. 6th European Conference on Ecological Restoration. 8-12 September, 2008 Ghent, Belgium: 6th European Conference on Ecological Restoration. 8-12 September, 2008 Ghent, Belgium. Ghent, Belgium: Society of Ecological Restoaration, 2008, 102 - 102.
Eek, L.; Klein, L., Külvik, M.; Kull, T.; Oja, T.; Kokovkin, T.; Sepp, K. (2008). IV National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Estonia. Estonian Ministry of Environment
Kana, Silja; Kull, Tiiu; Otsus, Merit (2008). Change in agriculturally used land and related habitat loss: A case study in eastern Estonia over 50 years. Estonian Journal of Ecology, 57(2), 119 - 132.
Henle, Klaus; Alard, Didier; Clitherow, Jeremy; Cobb, Paul; Firbank, Les; Kull, Tiiu; McCracken, Davy; Moritz, Robin F.A.; Niemelä, Jari; Nowicki, Peter; Rebane, Michael; Wascher, Dirk; Watt, Allan; Young, Juliette. (2008). Identifying and managing the conflicts between agriculture and biodiversity conservation in Europe - a review. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 124, 60 - 71.
Jaaska, Vello (2008). Isozyme evidence on the specific distinctness and phylogenetic position of Vicia incisa (Fabaceae) . Central European Journal of Biology, 3(2), 169 - 176.
Kull, Tiiu; Sammul, M.; Kull, K.; Lanno, K.; Tali, K.; Gruber, B.; Schmeller, D.; Henle, K. (2008). Necessity and reality of monitoring threatened European vascular plants. Biodiversity and Conservation, 3383-3402.
Saar, Maret; Meltsov, Vivika. 2008. Passports of routine aerobiological monitoring sites. In: Aerobiological Monographs. Eds Comtois P & Clot B, Meteo Schweiz and University of Montreal; Zurich.
Meltsov, Vivika; Poska, Anneli; Saar, Maret. (2008). Pollen size in Carex: The effect of different chemical treatments and mounting media. Grana, 47, 220 - 233.
Mesipuu, Meeli; Shefferson, Richard P.; Kull, Tiiu (2008). Weather and herbivores influence fertility in the endangered fern Botrychium multifidum (S.G. Gmel.) Rupr. Plant Ecology, online
Sammul, M.; Kattai, K.; Lanno, K.; Meltsov, V.; Otsus, M.; Nõuakas, L.; Kukk, D.; Mesipuu, M.; Kana, S.; Kukk, T. (2008). Wooded meadows of Estonia: conservation efforts for a traditional habitat. . Agricultural and Food Science , Volume 17 (4), pp. 413-429.
Sammul, Marek; Kull, Tiiu; Lanno, Kaire; Otsus, Merit; Mägi, Merike; Kana, Silja (2008). Habitat preferences and distribution characteristics are indicative of species long-term persistence in the Estonian flora. Biodiversity and Conservation, 17, 3531-3550.
Schmeller D.S. , Henry P.-Y., Julliard R., Clobert J., Gruber B., Dziock F., Lengyel S., Nowicki P., Déri E., Budrys E., Kull T., Tali K., Bauch B., Settele J., van Swaay C., Kobler A., Babij V., Papastergiadou E., Henle K. (2008) Advantages of volunteer-based biodiversity monitoring in Europe. Conservation Biology.
Schmeller, D. S. Gruber, B., Bauch, B., Lanno, K., Budrys, E., Babij, V., Juskaitis, R., Sammul, M., Varga, Z., Henle, K. 2008. Determination of national conservation responsibilities for species conservation in regions with multiple political jurisdictions Biodiversity and Conservation, 17 (4): 3623 - 3630.,
Lanno, K., Sammul, M., Varga, Z., Henle, K. 2008. Determination of conservation priorities in regions with multiple political jurisdictions. Biodiversity and Conservation, 17 (4): 3607 - 3622.
Ööpik, Merle; Kukk, Toomas; Kull, Kalevi; Kull, Tiiu (2008). The importance of human mediation in species establishment: Analysis of the Alien Flora of Estonia. Boreal Environment Research, 13, 53 - 67.
Shefferson, Richard; Kull, Tiiu; Tali, Kadri (2008). Mycorrhizal interactions of orchids colonizing Estonian mine tailings hills. American Journal of Botany, 95, 156 - 164.
Sammul, Marek; Kull, Tiiu; Kull, Kalevi; Novoplansky, Ariel. (2008). Generality, specificity and diversity of clonal plant research. Evolutionary Ecology, 22(3), 273 - 277.
Vellak, K. & Leis, M. (2007). Bryophyte flora in forests of Agusalu and Puhatu protected areas - Forestry Studies 47: 87-98.
Leis, M. and Kannukene, L. (2007). New Estonian Records: mosses. – Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 43: 69-72.
Cameron, K. M.; Arditti, J., Kull, T. (2007). Orchid Biology: Reviews and Perspectives IX. New York Botanical Garden Press
Ööpik, Merle; Kull, Tiiu (2007). The importance of human mediation in species establishment: analysis of Alien Flora of Estonia (North-Europe). In: EMAPi 9 Abstract Book: 9th International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions, 17-21 Sept 2007 Perth, Western Australia. 2007, 22.
Young, J.; Richards, C.; Halada, L.; Kull, Tiiu; Kuzniar, A.; Tartes, U.; Uzunov, Y.; Watt, A. (2007). Conflicts between biodiversity conservation and human activities in the Central and Eastern European Countries. Ambio, 36(7), 545 - 550.
Krall, H.; Kukk, T.; Kull, T.; Kuusk, V.; Leht, M.; Oja, T.; Reier, Ü.; Sepp, S.; Zingel, H.; Tuulik, T. (2007). Eesti taimede määraja. Tartu: Eesti Loodusfoto
Shefferson, R.P., Tali, K. 2007. Dormancy is associated with decreased adult survival in the burnt orchid, Neotinea ustulata. Journal of Ecology 95: 217-225.
Shefferson, RP.; Taylor, D. Lee; Weiß, M.; Garnica, S.; McCormick, M. K.; Adams, S.; Gray, H. M.; McFarland, J. W.; Kull, T; Tali, K; Yukawa, Tomohisa; Kawahara, T; Miyoshi, K.; Lee, Y-I (2007). The evolutionary history of mycorrhizal specificity among Lady’s slipper orchids. Evolution, 61(6), 1380 - 1390.
Kull, T., Oja, T. 2007. Low allozyme variation in Carex loliacea (Cyperaceae), a declining woodland sedge. Annales Botanici Fennici, 44, 267 –275.
Jaaska, V., Leht, M. 2007. Phylogenetic relationships between and within sections Hypechusa, Narbonensis and Peregrinae of genus Vicia (Fabaceae) based on evidence from isozymes and morphology. Central European Journal of Biology, 2(1), 137-155.
Vellak, K., Ingerpuu, N., Kannukene, L. and Leis, M. (2006). New Estonian records. Liverworts and mosses. – Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 42:107-111.
Cambours, M.A., Heinsoo, K., Granhall, U. and Nejad, P. 2006. Frost related dieback in Estonian energy plantations of willows in relation to fertilisation and pathogenic bacteria. Biomass and Bioenergy 30: 220-230.
Kindlmann, P., Kull, T., Whigham, D., Willems, J. 2006. Ecology and population dynamics of terrestrial orchids: An introduction . Folia Geobotanica 41: 1 - 2.
Kull, Thea and Kull, Tiiu. 2006. Habitat loss and reproduction biology as related to decline in rare Carex species. Ecology (Bratislava) 25: 280 - 288.
Kull, Tiiu, Kindlmann, Pavel, Hutchings, Michael J. Primack, Richard B. 2006. Conservation biology of orchids: Introduction to the special issue. Biological Conservation 129: 1-3.
Kull, Tiiu, Hutchings, M.J. 2006. An analysis of decline in the distribution ranges of orchid species in Estonia and the United Kingdom. Biological Conservation 129: 31-39.
Oksanen, L., Sammul, M., and Mägi, M. 2006. On the indices of plant–plant competition and their pitfalls. Oikos 112:149-155.
Sammul, M., Oksanen, L. and Mägi, M. 2006. Regional effects on competition–productivity relationship: a set of field experiments in two distant regions. Oikos 112:138-148.
Shefferson, R.P., Kull, T., Tali, K. 2006. Demographic response to shading and defoliation in two woodland orchids. Folia Geobotanica 41: 95–106.
Tali, K., Fay, M.F., Bateman, R.M. 2006. Little genetic differentiation across Europe between early-flowering and late-flowering populations of the rapidly declining orchid Neotinea ustulata. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 87: 13 - 25.
Jaaska, V. 2005. Isozyme variation and phylogenetic relationships in Vicia subgenus Cracca (Fabaceae). Annals of Botany 96 (6): 1085-1096.
Leht, M. 2005. Cladistic and phenetic analysis of the relationships in Vicia subgenus Cracca (Fabaceae) based on morphological data. Taxon 54: 1023-1032.
Merilo E., Heinsoo K., Kull O., Söderbergh I., Lundmark T. and Koppel A. 2005. Leaf photosynthetic properties in a willow (Salix viminalis and Salix dasyclados) plantation in response to fertilization. European Journal of Forest Research, DOI: 10.1007/s10342-005-0073-7
Niinemets, Ü., Kull, K. 2005. Co-limitation of plant primary productivity by nitrogen and phosphorus in a species-rich wooded meadow on calcareous soils. Acta Oecologica 28: 345-356.
Oja, T. 2005. Isozyme evidence on the genetic diversity, mating system and evolution of Bromus intermedius (Poaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 254: 199-208.
Shefferson, R.P., Weiss, M., Kull, T. and Taylor, D.L. 2005. High specificity generally characterizes mycorrhizal accociation in rare lady's slipper orchids, genus Cypripedium. Molecular Ecology 14: 613-626.
Shefferson, R.P., Kull, T., Tali, K. 2005. Adult whole-plant dormancy induced by stress in long-lived orchids. Ecology 86: 3099 - 3104.
Vellak, K., Ingerpuu N. 2005. Management effects on bryophytes in Estonian forests. Biodiversity and Conservation 14: 3255-3263.
Leht, M. and Paal, J. 2004. Variation of Potentilla sect. Potentilla (Rosaceae) in Estonia and neighbouring countries. Annales Botanici Fennici 41: 53-61.
Sammul, M., Kull, K., Niitla, T., Möls, T. 2004. A comparison of plant communities on the basis of their clonal growth patterns. Evolutionary Ecology 18:443-467.
Tali, K., Foley, M., Kull, T. 2004. Biological flora of the British Isles No. 232. Orchis ustulata L. Journal of Ecology 92: 174-184.
Vallius, E., Salonen,V. and Kull, T. 2004. Factors of divergence in co-occurring subspecies of Dactylorhiza incarnata (Orchidaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 248: 177 - 189.
Ingerpuu, N., Vellak, K., Liira, J., and Pärtel, M. 2003. Relationships Between Species Richness Patterns in Deciduous Forests at the North Estonian Limestone Escarpment. Journal of Vegetation Science 14: 773-780.
Niinemets, Ü., Kull, K. 2003. Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationships vary with soil conditions in temperate shrubs and trees. Acta Oecologica - International Journal of Ecology 24(4): 209 - 219.
Oja, T., Jaaska, V., and Vislap, V. 2003. Breeding System, Evolution and Taxonomy of Bromus arvensis, B.japonicus and B.squarrosus (Poaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 242(1-4): 101-117.
Sammul, M., Kull, K., Tamm, A. 2003. Clonal growth in species-rich grassland: the results of a 20-year fertilization experiment. Folia Geobotanica 38:1-20.
Aronsson, P., Heinsoo, K., Perttu, K., and Hasselgren, K. 2002. Spatial Variation in Above-Ground Growth in Unevenly Wastewater-Irrigated Willow Salix viminalis Plantations. Ecological Engineering 19: 281-287.
Heinsoo, K., Sild, E., and Koppel, A. 2002. Estimation of Shoot Biomass Productivity in Estonian Salix Plantations. Forest Ecology and Management, 170: 67-74.
Kull, T., Kukk, T., Leht, M., Krall, H., Kukk, Ü., Kull, K. and Kuusk, V. 2002. Distribution trends of rare vascular plant species in Estonia. Biodiversity and Conservation 11: 171-196.
Leht, M., and Jaaska, V. 2002. Cladistic and Phenetic Analysis of Relationships in Vicia Subgenus Vicia (Fabaceae) by Morphology and Isozymes. Plant Systematics and Evolution 232: 237-260.
Oja, T., and Laarmann, H. 2002. Comparative Study of the Ploidy Series Bromus sterilis, B. diandrus and B.rigidus (Poaceae) Based on Chromosome Numbers, Morphology and Isozymes. Plant Biology 4: 484-491.
Oja, T. 2002. Genetic Divergence and Interspecific Differentiation in the Bromus madritensis Complex (Poaceae) Based on Isozyme Data. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 30: 433-449.
Oja, T. 2002. Bromus fasciculatus Presl - a Third Diploid Progenitor of Bromus Section Genea Allopolyploids (Poaceae). Hereditas 137: 113-118.
Tamm, A., Kull, K. Sammul, M. 2002. Classifying clonal growth forms based on vegetative mobility and ramet longevity: a whole community analysis. - Evolutionary Ecology 15:383-401.
Ingerpuu, N., Vellak, K., Kukk, T., and Pärtel, M. (2001). Bryophyte and Vascular Plant Species Richness in Boreo-Nemoral Moist Forests and Mires. Biodiversity and Conservation 10: 2153-2166.
Jaaska, V. 2001. Isoenzyme Diversity and Phylogenetic Relationships Among the American Beans of the Genus Vigna Savi (Fabaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 29(11), 1153-1173.
Tali, K. and Kull, T. 2001. Highly variable flowering time in Orchis ustulata: consequences for population dynamics. Nordic Journal of Botany 21: 457-466.
Saar, Maret. 2001. Aerobioloogiline kalender. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 90 (Eesti looduse kalender): 164-186.