- Agri-Food Business Management
- Environmental Governance and Adaptation to Climate Change
- Fisheries and applied ecology
- Horticulture
- Landscape Architecture (BSc: Environmental Planning and Landscape Design)
- Landscape Protection and Preservation
- Nature Tourism
- Production and Marketing of Agricultural Products
Thesis’s defended in 2011
Master’s 3+2
- Jürma, Helen; The supply and demand of organic food in Tartu; sup. Eve Veromann; Sirli Pehme, MSc
- Karu, Signe; Valuation of cultural heritage in comprehensive plans; sup. Mart Külvik, PhD
- Kiudorv, Anneli; Bio-waste management in urban and rural areas of Põlva; sup. Aija Kosk, MSc; Rein Kalle, MSc
- Leibur, Kairi; Management Effectiveness Evaluation of Protected Areas; sup. Mart Külvik, PhD
- Magnus, Marek; Research of garden composters; sup. Aija Kosk, MSc
- Meister, Sigrit; Floodplains and their management in Soomaa National Park; sup. Eva-Liis Tuvi, MSc
- Mägi, Merko; The above-ground biomass production and growth dynamics of grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) plantation growing on abandoned agricultural land; sup. Jürgen Aosaar, MSc; Mats Varik, MSc
- Mölter, Merje; Risk assessment of non-native tree species permitted in forestry; sup. Merle Ööpik, MSc
- Nael, Anu; Invasive Lupinus polyphyllus Lind.:current distribution and the reasons of spread in Saare district (Jõgeva county); sup. Merle Ööpik, MSc
- Nurk, Kadri; Reasons for opting out of certified organic; sup. Elen Peetsmann, MSc; Eve Veromann, MSc
- Raidla, Mari; Effectiveness of the control of invasive Heracleum species in Pärnu-Viljandi region of Environmental Board; sup. Bert Holm, MSc; Merle Ööpik, MSc
- Tenn, Marili; Impact of companion plants on the abundance of Large White Butterfly (Pieris brassicae)and on the abundance and species composition of its parasitoids on the white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var.capitata); sup. Eve Veromann, MSc; Riina Kaasik, MSc
- Ulm, Antti; The situation and development potential of rural tourism in Läänemaa; sup. Jaak Kliimask, MSc
Bachelor’s 3+2
- Arras, Kadri; Students` awareness of biological invasion; sup. Merle Ööpik, MSc
- Assmann, Kristiina; Sheep -associated landscapes in historical photos; sup. Maaria Semm, MSc
- Bukatš, Anton; The overview of human settlement and land covers type`s formation of Muraka nature reserve, sup. Eva-Liis Tuvi, MSc
- Kikkas, Kadri; The Environmental Information Centres in the South-Estonian region as the sources of information; sup. Eva-Liis Tuvi, MSc
- Koni, Kirsika; Overview of public goods from agriculture and ecosystem valuation methods; sup. Aija Kosk, MSc
- Kupri, Hanna-Lii; Conservation effects on local governments; sup. Valdeko Palginõmm MSc; Kalev Sepp, PhD
- Lõhmus, Lii; An overview of planting soils` usage and manufacturing in Estonia; sup. Aija Kosk, MSc
- Mäll, Andrus; The management of different types of waste and recommendations to improve the waste management in Tartu Kaubamaja; sup. Aija Kosk, MSc
- Paara, Mari-Liis; Alien species Impatiens glandulifera Royle:distribution in Estonia, opportunities to control; sup. Merle Ööpik, MSc
- Paju, Maris; Forest fires impact on air quality; sup. Veljo Kimmel, PhD
- Purik, Triinu; Risk assessment of plant species that threaten the natural balance; sup. Merle Ööpik, MSc
- Sapelkov, Kertu; The Cultural Heritage on a Coastline of the Estonian Green Belt; sup. Kalev Sepp, PhD
- Tammeorg, Triin; Overview of companies producing compost in Estonia; sup. Mait Kriipsalu, PhD