Master of Science (MSc) in Environmental Governance and Adaptation to Climate Change
II year


22nd  of November 2024 – final check of  registrated topics of thesis and supervisors  at EMU (last chance to change)

Avaldus / Application

February  2025 - progress seminar 

21st of February  2025 -  Last deadline for submission of applications to declare work and/or defense closed


7th of  April 2025 - thesis pre-defense in Metsamaja, room D239

16th of May 2025 - academic check that all courses have been passed

23rd of May  2025 at 14.00 - deadline for Master thesis submission (digitally signed upload in Moodle; electronic copy to library)
Thesis files as a DigiDoc container must be uploaded to the online storage: 
Link to library:

3rd and 4th of June 2025  - thesis defense in Metsamaja, room 2C5

20th of June 2025 GRADUATION CEREMONY in EMU


Master of Science (MSc) in Environmental Governance and Adaptation to Climate Change 

I year


During first semester 2024 - Lecturers present the thesis topics to the head of the chair.

December 2024  - discussion of theses topics

Before end of November 2025 - registration of thesis topic and supervisors  at EMU
