CODECS (maximising the CO-benefits of agricultural Digitalisation through conducive digital ECoSystems) is a four-year Horizon Europe project that gathers 33 partners all around Europe and which is coordinated by the University of Pisa.
The project aims to improve the motivation and the capacity of European farmers to understand and adopt digitalisation as an enabler of sustainable and transformative change.
Project Objectives:
- Mainstreaming the concept of “sustainable digitalisation” in the European AKIS and in the wider policy environments.
- Building the conceptual “system-approach / actor-centred” base for “sustainable digitalisation” of agriculture and a layered cost-benefit assessment framework.
- Analysing, and understanding the implications, of the role of different contexts in the generation of costs and benefits of digitalisation through the analysis of “digital ecosystems”.
- Providing data on the costs and benefits of digitalisation in a variety of European farming contexts, by setting up and carrying out user-friendly assessment methodologies.
- Setting up demonstrations to scale digital technologies adoption.
- Developing evidence-based and future-proof policy tools for a sustainable digitalisation.
- Raising awareness and facilitating the uptake of digital technologies for sustainable development through the development of a platform and assessment tools.
The Living Lab comprises two farms located in the north of Latvia with wooded meadows, unique to that region. One of these farms is situated on the floodplains of eastern Latvia, and its purpose it to safeguard the habitat of an eagle species.
Two other farms are situated in the hilly mid-region of Latvia, one an organic meat producer maintaining biotope grasslands but also looking to improve grasslands using legumes, the other an organic dairy farm with biotope grasslands.
The Living Lab will capture the changes in vegetation and tree cover, then analyse the data to assist farmers in understanding the outcomes more effectively.
Project Facts:
Start date
1 October 2022
48 months
Funding from the EC
7 150 413.75 €
Contact person at the Estonian University of Life Sciences:
Project PI: Joanna Tamar Storie, PhD
Kreutzwaldi 56/1 – A416