• in Estonian
Under EU Interreg Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020 SustainBaltic project - ICZM Plans for Sustaining Coastal and Marine Human-ecological Networks in the Baltic Region - is implemented for 27 months during 2016-2018.
In a nutshell, SustainBaltic is targeting to: Four ICZM case plans from Estonia (2) and Finland (2), which are produced based on the current spatial data on ecological, land use and human activities. The novelty approach of SustainBaltic is on the close co-working in order to define the most crucial ICZM planning criteria to be utilised and implemented further in Central Baltic Programme area.
Title: ICZM Plans for Sustaining Coastal and Marine Human-ecological Networks in the Baltic Region (SustainBaltic)
Partners: University of Turku (UTU) - Lead Partner, Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU), Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Tallinn University (TLU), Regional Council of Satakunta
Cost: Total 1 308 230 € (1 023 760 € by European Regional Development Fund, project is supported by EU Interreg Central Baltic Programme)
Duration: 30 months, finishing at 28.02.2019
Official webpage: www.utu.fi/SustainBaltic
• Seminar 13.06.2017
• Lääne County test area:
- Spatial Development Plan for the Coastal Area between Hara peninsula and Ristinina
• Lääne-Virumaa test area:
- Lääne-Viru Integrated Coastal Zone Managment Plan
- Poster