- Chair of Biodiversity and Nature Tourism
- Chair of Economics in Rural Economy
- Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management
- Chair of Horticulture
- Chair of Hydrobiology and Fisheries
- Chair of Landscape Architecture
- Chair of Plant and Crop Science
- Chair of Plant Health
- Chair of Soil Science
- Polli Horticultural Research Centre
- Rõhu Experimental Centre
Integrated Doctoral Program for Environmental Policy, Management and Technology – INTENSE
586471-EPP- 1-2017- 1-EE- EPPKA2-CBHE- JP
General Assembly Meeting
Tartu, Estonia
21-23 March 2019
Estonian University of Life Science, Kreutzwaldi 5
Meeting room 2A-1
Coordinator: Estonian University of Life Sciences
Meeting objectives:
- To report results of the INTENSE project (16 months) according to tasks in WPs;
- To discuss preparation of to the mid-term report: tasks, deadlines;
- Open problems or critical points should be discussed and solved;
- Discussion on the activities of year 2019 and 2020 (summer School in Tartu, Conferences etc.)
- Introduction of relevant institutes und their main activities in EMU
Wednesday, 20th of March, 2019
Arrivals to Tartu
Thursday, 21th of March, 2019 (Project meeting, day 1)
9.30-10.00 Welcome coffee
10:00 Opening
Kalev Sepp, Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU)
10:10 Welcome
Prof. Endla Reintam, Vice-Rector of Studies, Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU)
10:20 Presentation: Doctoral School at the Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU) Ms. Lilian Ariva
10:40 An overview of the state of project activities and deliverables by the Project Coordinator (a presentation and discussion):
Anton Shkaruba, Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU)
Presentation of key project deliverables by countries and partners (including discussion) (WP2):
Code of Operational Practices – Ukraine: Hanna Titenko, Oleg Shabliy, Volodymyr Rozhak
Code of Operational Practices – Vietnam: Dung Nghiem, Thi Van Ha Nguyen
Code of Operational Practices – Mongolia: Altansukh Ochir, Bayarkhuu Batbayar
13:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Discussions on the national COPs and options for the international COP
15:00-15:45: presentation and discussion of proposals for the national agreement establishing the national INTENSE school; ideas for the international agreement:
- Ukraine: Hanna Titenko, Oleg Shabliy, Volodymyr Rozhak
- Vietnam: Dung Nghiem, Thi Van Ha Nguyen
- Mongolia: Altansukh Ochir, Bayarkhuu Batbayar
15:45 Coffee break
Presentation of key project deliverables by countries and partners (including discussion) (WP3):
16:15 INTENSE e-services – presentation and discussion: Oleg Shabliy
17:00 INTENSE curriculum development (presentations and discussions):
- Ukraine: Hanna Titenko, Oleg Shabliy, Volodymyr Rozhak
- Vietnam: Dung Nghiem, Thi Van Ha Nguyen
- Mongolia: Altansukh Ochir, Bayarkhuu Batbayar
18:00 End of day 1
19:30 Joint Dinner (the location to be announced later); an invitation by EMU
Friday, 22th of March, 2019 (Project meeting, day 2)
09:00 – 10:00 presentation of MOOC proposals (objective, purpose and contents) by institutions leading MOOC groups (followed by a discussion):
- the precautionary principle and sustainability transition: KKNU, Hanna Titenko
- nature-based solution / green urban planning: NUM, Altansukh Ochir
- water: OSENU, Oleg Shabliy
- energy: HUST & HCMCUNRE, Dung Nghiem & Thi Van Ha Nguyen
Presentation of key project deliverables by countries and partners (including discussion) (WP5):
10:00 – 11:00 dissemination by country and discussion:
- Ukraine: Hanna Titenko, Oleg Shabliy, Volodymyr Rozhak
- Vietnam: Dung Nghiem, Thi Van Ha Nguyen
- Mongolia: Altansukh Ochir, Bayarkhuu Batbayar
- Project website: Oleg Shabliy
- Discussion: led by Anton Shkaruba
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 – 12.00: the 1st INTENSE conference (ideas and short discussion): Hanna Titenko, Oleg Shabliy, Kalev Sepp
Presentation of key project deliverables by countries and partners (including discussion) (WP4):
12:00 – 12.30: Quality control and monitoring – issues and discussion: Anton Shkaruba, Viktar Kireyeu
12:30 Lunch at Forestry Building
13:30 Tour at the University. Meeting with research staff, Lead by Mr. Aret Vooremäe, Director of the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
15:00 WP 6.2: Meeting of the Steering Committee, Anton Shkaruba
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 WP 3.5: Summer school in Estonia, Anton Shkaruba, Kalev Sepp
16:20 Financial and Administrative Issues
Henri Järv, Kalev Sepp (EMU)
- Financial Management and required Supporting Documents, Lesson learnt
- Reporting on activities and outcomes
17:20 Final discussion, Open Issues,
17:40 Next meeting, conference (date and place)
18:00 End of day 2
Saturday, 23th of March, 2019 (Project meeting, day 3)
09:00 Individual partner consultations. Discussing next steps of the project in Ukraine, Mongolia and Vietnam
Visit countryside of Estonia. We will visit Meenikunno Raised Bog area.
Look at https://loodusegakoos.ee/where-to-go/recreation-areas/rapina-varska-recreation-area/meenikunno-hiking-trail-5-dot-8-km
Lunh at Mooste Manor, Distillery. Look at http://www.viinavabrik.ee/Eng
Look at Mooste Manor http://www.moostemois.ee/about-usthe
16:00 End of day 3