19.10.2020 venia legendi: Monika Suškevičs - Climbing up Arnstein's ladder, or co-creating change? Learning from theory and participatory environmental governance practices in Estonia and other Eastern European coun
The venia legendi lecture of Monika Suškevičs, the candidate for the pro...
10.09.2020 Thesis Defense: Riinu Kiiker - Diversity of potato late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans in the Baltic populations
On September 10th starting at 12:15 doctoral student Riinu Kiiker will be defending her thesis &bdqu...
31.08.2020 Thesis Defense: Lagle Heinmaa - Factors affecting apple juice quality and mycotoxin patulin formation
On August 31st starting at 10:15 doctoral student Lagle Heinmaa will be defending her thesis „...
31.08.2020 Thesis Defense: Oleksandr Karasov - Landscape metrics and cultural ecosystem services: an integrative resource-driven mapping approach for landscape harmony
On August 31st starting at 14:15 doctoral student Oleksandr Karasov will be defending his thesis &bd...
Alternet Summer School 2020: Remote Aperitif Talk Series
Disappointed that Alternet Summer School 2020 was cancelled? Us, too.
While we can't ...
19.06.2020 Thesis Defense: Joanna Tamar Storie - When peace and quiet is not enough: Examining the challenges communities face in Estonian and Latvian rural landscapes
On June 19th starting at 11:15 doctoral student Joanna Tamar Storie will be defending her thesis &bd...
17.06.2020 Thesis Defense: Migue Villoslada Peciña - A tiered framework for mapping and assessing ecosystem services from semi-natural grasslands: expert-based assessments, proxy indicators and uav surveys
On June 17th starting at 14:15 doctoral student Migue Villoslada Peciña will be defending his...
17.06.2020 Thesis Defense: Linda-Liisa Veromann-Jürgenson - Mesophyll conductance in gymnosperms
On June 17th starting at 11:15 doctoral student Linda-Liisa Veromann-Jürgenson will be defendin...
16.06.2020 Thesis Defense: Anne Ingver - Impact of farming system, pre-crop and weather conditions to yield and quality of spring wheat
On June 16th starting at 13:00 doctoral student Anne Ingver will be defending her thesis &bdquo...
Nature: Don’t hope mature forests to soak up carbon dioxide emissions
Globally, forests act as a large carbon sink, absorbing a substantial portion of the anthropogenic C...
15.05.2020 Thesis Pre-defence: Oleksandr Karasov - Mapping landscape organization conditions, enabling use of cultural ecosystem services, by means of remote sensing and location-based social media data: a resource-driven approach
On next Wednesday, May 15th 2020 at 3.15 PM pre-defence of the PhD dissertation by Oleksandr KARASOV...
27.04.2020 Thesis Pre-defence Miguel Villoslada - A tiered framework for mapping and assessing ecosystem services from semi-natural grasslands: Expert-based assessments, proxy indicators and UAV surveys
On next Monday , April 27th 2020 at 2.15 PM in the BBB web room
07.04.2020 Thesis Pre-defence: Joanna Tamar Storie - When peace and quiet is not enough: Examining the challenges communities face in Estonian and Latvian rural landscapes
On Tuesday, April 7th at 2.15 PM in the BBB web room
Dr. Yu-Fai Leung lectures about nature tourism
Dr. Yu-Fai Leung is Professor and Director of Graduate Program of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Mana...
07.03.2020 Open Lecture: Dr. Jacqui Shykoff - Local adaptation and coevolution in a sexually transmitted disease of plants
Dr. Jacqui Shykoff (University of Paris-Sud, Academic department Laboratoire d'Ecologie, Systé...
05.03.2019 Thesis Defense: Kaia Kask - The effects of heat stress severity on photosynthesis and volatile organic compound emissions in black mustard and tobacco
On March 5th starting at 11:15 doctoral student Kaia Kask will be defending her thesis „The ef...
04.03.2020 Open Lecture: Dr. James Blande - Communication breakdown: The effects of ozone pollution on volatile-mediated interactions
Dr. James Blande (Environmental Ecology Research Group, University of Eastern Finland) https://...
02.03.2020: About the intraspecific variability of potato disease in Russia - Seminar of Chair of Crop Science and Plant Biology and Centre of Excellence EcolChange
Seminar of Chair of Crop Science and Plant Biology and Centre of Excellence EcolChange, Estonian Uni...
27.02.2020 Open Lecture: Visiting professor Anders Kvarnheden - Viruses – common inhabitants of plants
Visiting professor Anders Kvarnheden (The Kvarnheden lab: molecular epidemiology of plant-infecting ...
20.02.2020: IntASEK Virtual Career Day
The Virtual Career Day of the ERASMUS+ project "International Applied Soil and Plant ...
7th of February: Research Seminar of the Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management
The Research Seminar of the Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management on February 7...