
Thesis Defense: Liina Soonvald - Response of root fungal communities to fertilisation, crop species and cultivar (February 4, 2022)

On February 4th starting at 10:15 doctoral student Liina Soonvald will be defending her&nb...

A new book predicts the future of the food sector

Rajeev Bhat's new book (Ed.) 'Future Foods: Global Trends, Opportunities, and Sustainability...

Thesis Defense: Ingrid Bender - Effect of organic management methods on yield and quality of carrot and on weeds (December 17, 2021)

On December 17th starting at 10:15 doctoral student Ingrid Bender will be defending h...

Professor Ülo Niinemets once again became one of the most cited scientists in the world

The company Clarivate Analytics, which evaluates the contribution of the world's researchers, on...

01.12.2021 Open lecture: Prof. Efimia Papatheodorou - Microbial interactions in rhizosphere soil and their use in sustainable agriculture

Who: Professor Efimia Papatheodorou (Department of Ecology, Aristotle University of Thessalonik...

23.11.2021 Open lecture: Dr. Tayyebeh Mesbahzadeh - The Climate Change impact on Natural Resources in Iran

Who: Dr. Tayyebeh Mesbahzadeh (Ph.D. in Wind Erosion Modelling & Geomorphology,Land de...

Directors of new institutes have been elected

Yesterday the two-day period for voting on the candidates for the directors of the institutes t...

03.11.2021 Open Lecture: Prof. Efimia Papatheodorou - Biotic Interactions in Soil

On 3rd of November at 15:00 Prof. Efimia Papatheodorou will held open lecture "Biotic Inte...

29.10.2021: Open seminar "Last Landscape. A park cemetery in a Milanese railway yard"

"Last Landscape is a cemetery but also a park - we designed the landscape of the park and a variety ...

Launch of the book "Urban Blue Spaces: planning and design for water, health and well-being"

On October 15, at 4.00pm EEST new and exciting book entitled “Urban Blue Spaces: planning...

19.11.2021: International Scientific Conference “Sustainable fruit and berry cultivation”

On behalf of the Polli Horticultural Research Centre, we are pleased to invite you to participa...

Garage48 Food - greener food for a greener planet

Are you passionate about the more sustainable future of food? Garage48 Food is open for registration...

VALORTECH ERA Chair SUMMER SCHOOL, 28.-30. september 2021

Summer School 2021 The course includes lecture sessions provided by experts, laboratory-based course...

16.09.2021 Thesis Defense: Hares Khan - Pelagic calcite precipitation in lakes: from a global to a local perspective on its drivers and implications

On September 16th starting at 16:00 doctoral student Hares Khan will be defending his thesis &b...

27.08.2021 Thesis Defense: Nasime Janatian Ghadikolaei - Hydrometeorological and climatic control over lake phytoplankton: the importance of time scales

On August 27th starting at 11:15 doctoral student Nasime Janatian Ghadikolaei will be defe...

Search for nature based solutions to prevent pathogenic Vibrio blooms on Estonian waters

There is an increasing concern regarding the role of climate change in promoting the spread of water...

22.06.2021 Thesis Defense: Kaire Loit - Pathogenic and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in potato fields in Estonia

On June 22nd starting at 10:15 doctoral student Kaire Loit will be defending her thes...

Vibrios and climate change: Can nature-based methods mitigate the potential threat in the Baltic Sea

Vibrio bacteria, including species that are harmful to humans, are a natural component of Baltic Sea...

11.06.2021 Thesis Defense: Tarmo Pilving - Collaboration in Estonian Rural Tourism

On June 11th starting at 10:15 doctoral student Tarmo Pilving  will be defending...