
13.06.2022 pre-defense of the thesis: Kai-Yun Li - Unmanned aircraft systems and image analysis in yield estimation and agricultural management

On June 13, 2022, a PhD student Kai-Yun Li, will have a preliminary defence of PhD thesis on  &...

13.06.2022 pre-defense of the thesis: Thaisa Fernandes Bergamo - Impacts of Climate change on coastal Estonian wetlands

On June 13, 2022, a PhD student Thaisa Fernandes Bergamo will have a preliminary defence of PhD thes...

7th of June & 8th of June: Doctoral seminars of Chair of Rural Economics (Montenegro, PhD students)

Lectures on Montenegro and Doctoral seminar of Chair of Rural Economics on June 7th and June 8th Gu...

Thesis Defense: Reine Koppel - Stability of yield and baking quality of wheat in Baltic conditions (June 3, 2022)

On June 3rd starting at 11:15 doctoral student Reine Koppel will be defending her the...

31.05.2022 Open Lecture: Dr. Roxane Maranger - Coupled biogeochemical cycles across space and time in a north temperate river

Dr. Roxane Maranger (Professeure titulaire, Université de Montréal, Canada) is vi...

24.05.2022 Open Lecture: Prof. Gabor Vasas - Cyanobacterial blooms and related research in Hungary

Prof. Gabor Vasas (Head of Department of Botany, University of Debrecen, Hungary) wil...

17th of May: Research Seminar of the Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management

The next research seminar of the Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management will tak...

17th of May:  Seminar "Plant extracts and biomass wastes: characterization and applications"

Plant extracts and biomass wastes: characterization and applications. Seminar of Prof. Dana Copolov...

In Memoriam Bob Bunce

We are sad to announce that Professor Bob Bunce, a Fellow Professor of the Estonian University of Li...

The most influential researcher in Estonia is Ülo Niinemets ranked the most influential and prominent researchers in this year. Ülo Niine...

06.05.2022 Open Lecture: Prof. Hossein Azadi - Research Agenda on Land Issues

On 6th of May from 11.00 to 12.00 Hossein Azadi (guest proffessor of the Chair of Economic...

Thesis Defense: Kristel Panksep - From microscopy to genes - unmasking toxic cyanobacteria in a shallow eutrophic lake (May 23, 2022)

On May 23rd starting at 11:15 doctoral student Kristel Panksep will be defending her thesis „F...

29.04.2022: Open seminar „CITIZEN SCIENCE: oppurtinities for environmental and landscape governance“

Next seminar of "Exploring Landscape Boundaries" seminars is held by Monika Suškevičs. a...

19th of April: Research Seminar of the Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management

The next research seminar of the Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management will tak...

25.03.2022: Open seminar „Exceeding the boundaries of landscape architecture?!“

Next seminar of "Exploring Landscape Boundaries" seminars is held by Friedrich Kuhlmann and is titel...

Thesis Defense: Heli Kirik - Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) diversity in the urban environment and countryside of Estonia (February 28, 2022)

On February 28th starting at 11:00 doctoral student Heli Kirik will be defending her thesis „M...

25.01.2022 pre-defense of the thesis: Fariba Bahrini - Pattern of urban park use, spatial accessibility and users

On 25th January 2022, at 2PM (Estonian time) there will be a pre-defense of the thesis by Fariba Bah...

University's researchers article decorates the front page of the Journal Insects

The magazine Insects chose the discovery of the researchers of the Estonian University of Life Scien...