International admission begins on February 1
From beginning of February, admission to the international study programmes of the Estonian Universi...
EMÜ landscape architects subscribe to UN sustainable development goals
The International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) has agreed to work towards meeting the 1...
27.01.2023: Open seminar „Systems of Extraction and Toxic Ecologies: The Case of Cement Production and Quarrying in Lebanon“
Next seminar of "Exploring Landscape Boundaries" series is held by Tala Alaeddine and is t...
01.12.2022 Open Lecture: Dr. Sara Beier - The coupling of resistance and resilience in aquatic environments - and it's consequences for species assembly
Dr. Sara Beier (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde) will give a lec...
Thesis Defense: Carmen Kivistik - The impact of environmental disturbances on the gastrointestinal bacterial community and the viability of aquatic gastropods (December 02, 2022)
On December 2nd starting at 9:15 (room D239 of Kreutzwaldi 5) doctoral student C...
25.11.2022: Open seminar „Aesthetics of Digital Engagement“
Next seminar of "Exploring Landscape Boundaries" series is held by Weijing Wang and is tit...
Thesis Defense: Neda Najdabbasi - Alternative Biocontrol Strategies in the Potato-Phytophthora infestans Pathosystem for Integrated Management of Late Blight (November 28, 2022)
Joint defense of Estonian University of Life Sciences and Ghent University will take place on N...
23rd of November: Research Seminar of the Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management
The next seminar of the Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management will take place&n...
Thesis Defense: Thaisa Fernandes Bergamo - Combining unmanned aerial vehicles and a mesocosm experiment to unveil plant communities shifts under global change conditions in coastal meadows (November 22, 2022)
On November 22nd starting at 11:15 (room 2C5 of Kreutzwaldi 5) doctoral student ...
Thesis Defense: Indrek Keres - Effect of cropping systems on soil fertility and winter wheat dough quality (October 27, 2022)
On October 27th starting at 11:15 doctoral student Indrek Keres will be defending his...
26th of October: Research Seminar of the Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management
The next seminar of the Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management will take place&n...
Thesis Defense: Olesja Escuer - Ornamental plant growth and development depending on soil conditions modified by organic additives (October 18, 2022)
On October 18th starting at 11:15 (room D239 of Kreutzwaldi 5) doctoral student Olesj...
07.10.2022 Open Lecture: Dr. Hui Ping Tsai - Applying remote sensing, UAV, and AI techniques for a sustainable environment
Dr. Hui Ping Tsai (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan) will give a lecture ...
Pushing the Boundaries of European Research in Life Sciences through Social Engagement
In this week's kick-off meeting, ACEEU participated in the launching of the BETTER-Life project ...
28th of September: Research Seminar of the Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management
The first seminar of the Chair of Environmental Protection and Landscape Management ...
Thesis Defense: Kai-Yun Li - Unmanned aircraft systems and image analysis in yield estimation and agricultural management (October 5, 2022)
On October 5th starting at 12:15 (room D239 of Kreutzwaldi 5) doctoral student Kai-Yu...
Thesis Defense: Grete Tõnisalu - Small mammals and the lesser spotted eagle in ecotones: a case study on predator-preyhabitat relationships in agricultural landscape (September 5, 2022)
On September 5th starting at 11:15 (room D239 of Kreutzwaldi 5) doctoral student Grete T&o...
Thesis Defense: Marta Maria Alos Orti - Urban ecology: novel ecosystems, novel challenges (August 29, 2022)
On August 29th starting at 11:15 (room D239 of Kreutzwaldi 5) doctoral student Marta Maria Alos Orti...
29.06.2022 Open Lecture: Prof. Klaus Butterbach-Bahl - Concepts towards a traceable Monitoring, Reporting and Verification system for GHG emissions from agricultural landscapes – the Land-CRAFT center approach
Prof. Dr. Klaus Butterbach-Bahl (Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Atmospheri...
Thesis Defense: Jordi Escuer Gatius - Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from arable soils (June 30, 2022)
On June 30th starting at 10:00 (room 2A1 of Kreutzwaldi 5) doctoral student Jordi Escuer Gatius will...
20.06.2022 Open Lecture: Dr Irene Bouwma - The Biogeographical Process: supporting the Biodiversity Strategy pledge and review process
Dr Irene Bouwma (Wageningen Environmental Research)