A doctoral student from Spain defended his thesis
A doctoral student from Spain, Miguel Portillo Estrada defended his PhD thesis thesis „On the ...
International Conference: Humus forms and biologically active compounds as indicators of pedodiversity, 27–28 August 2012, Tartu, Estonia
The conference is held on the occasion of 10 years of scientific collaboration between the Institu...
Estonian University of Life Sciencesstarted participating in the maintenance of urban green areas
Estonian University of Life Sciences signed an international project called GreenMan on Monday, being the only Estonian university that will participate in the discussion between universities, city governments and non-governmental organisations regarding the green areas. The project will help to improve the planning and maintaining of urban green areas.
Estonian University of Life Sciences helps develop more resistent crops
EMÜ is the only Estonian partner in a European Commission project „3to4“, whos...