
Plant physiology professor Ülo Niinemets co-edits a book on plant canopies

Springer Verlag just published the book “Canopy photosynthesis: from basics to applications&rd...

Large within-population genetic diversity of the widespread conifer Pinus sylvestris at its soil fertility limit

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) is the only pine species native to northern Europe, and it is the most...

The annual conference of PhD students of the Instituute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 

The annual conference of PhD students of the Instituute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences w...

International conference: "Environmental adaptation: from molecules to the planet"

The Estonian Center of Excellence in Environmental Adaptation  ENVIRON Final Conference Envir...

Plants talk at Expo Milano 2015

The Estonian University of Life Sciences is represented in the Estonian pavilion at Expo Milano 2015...

International E-CLIC conference "Landscape of possibilities", May 7-8 Tartu

This international conference will address how to improve understanding of the European Landscape Co...

Agroforum Mare Balticum - Food and Energy Sustainability (14th – 16th April 2015)

The Agroforum will be targeted at decision makers on political, administrative, research and produce...

International seminar: Soil trafficability – challenges for soils and vehicles. Tartu, Estonia, March 26–27, 2015

Seminar website:

Information briefing for the international students in the Department of Landscape Architecture

On the 1st of  September at 11:00 o'clock there is an information briefing and meeting with...

Improving drought tolerance of crops by bacteria from harsh environments

The scientists from the Department of Plant Physiology of the Estonian University of Life Science to...

EMÜ scientists helped in turning a landfill into recreation area

In September 2013, inauguration ceremony of the first landfill in the Baltics that was turned into a...

Expedition to Ethiopia gave scientists of the University of Life Sciences valuable information about the wintering habits of the Eurasian crane

From January 15 to 27, scientists from Estonian University of Life Sciences and producers of the &ld...

Agroforum Balticum 2014 - Fair and Free Trade in Agricultural Products

On 22–24 April 2014, the international discussion forum Agroforum Balticum, organised by the E...

Professor Ülo Niinemets was elected to Estonian Academy of Sciences

On 4 december 2013, the General Assembly of Estonian Academy of Sciences elected four new members of...

New video for the Landscape Architecture master's programme

Department of Landscape Architecture of the Estonian University of Life Sciences has released a vid...

Plant physiology professor Ülo Niinemets co-edits a book on plant volatiles

Springe Verlag just released the book “Biology, Controls and Models of Tree Volatile Organic C...

International conference about urban forests and urban forestry

            Urban Forestry in Transition – Addressing the needs of changing societies CARE-FOR-US II/GreenMan project conference, Tartu, Estonia 9-11 OCTOBER 2013 Hosted by the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture    

A doctoral student from China defended her PhD thesis

A doctoral student from China, Zhihong Sun defended her PhD thesis „Isoprene emission fro...