Researchers of the Estonian University of Life Sciences involved in publishing silver birch (Betula pendula) genome
A research team led by Professors Jarkko Salojärvi and Jaakko Kangasjärvi (Dept. Bioscienc...
19.05.2017 Open Lecture: Veljo Kisand - Microbes and climate change (venia legendi)
On May 19 at 10.15 PhD Veljo Kisand will give open lecture Microbes and climate...
12.05.2017 Open Lecture: Kalle Olli - 'Big data' in phytoplankton community research (venia legendi)
On May 12 at 13.00 PhD Kalle Olli will give open lecture 'Big data' in p...
17.03.2017 Open Lecture: Charlie Yuill - Usages of LIDAR for landscape research
On march 17 at 14.15 professor Charlie Yuill (University of West Virginia) will give open lecture &q...
Thesis Defense on March 3: Mailiis Tampere - Impact of slurry fertilization on nutrient leaching and on the abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in agricultural soil
On March 3 starting at 11.15, doctoral student Mailiis Tampere will be defending her thesi...
Thesis Defense on February 3: Kadri Just - Begomovirus infection in tomato fruit
On February 3 starting at 11.15, doctoral student Kadri Just will be defending her thesis ...
Thesis Defense on January 17: Leila Pazouki - Emission, gene regulation and function of terpenoids in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
On January 17 starting at 13.15, doctoral student Leila Pazouki will be defending her thes...
We are looking for a PhD candidate to work on Black-tailed Godwit ecology
Birds breeding on wet grassland are suffering major population declines all over Europe. The populat...
Thesis Defense on December 16: Terje Tähtjärv - Cultivar resistance and population studies of late blight pathogen in potato breeding in Estonia
On December 16 starting at 13.15, doctoral student Terje Tähtjärv will be defending her th...
Research finds life under lake ice complex, surprisingly active
As long as ecologists have studied temperate lakes, the winter has been their off-season. It’s...
Our researchers involved in a study demonstrating that enhanced insect herbivory under global change can alter climate
Future warmer climates in northern latitudes facilitate dispersal of many insect herbivores and lead...
Thesis Defense on December 6: Kadri Maikov - Exploring the salutogenic properties of the landscape: from garden to forest
On December 6 starting at 14.15, doctoral student Kadri Maikov will be defending her thesis &b...
Thesis Defense on December 6: Aigi Ilves - The level and maintenance of genetic diversity in endangered plant populations at the margin of the distribution range
On December 6 starting at 10.15, doctoral student Aigi Ilves will be defending her thesis „The...
The Annual Conference of PhD Students of the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
The annual conference of PhD students of the Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences wi...
EcolChange seminar on October 11 – British floodplain meadows and the hydrological niche
Centre of Excellence EcolChange continues with open seminars. The next seminar will b...
EcolChange seminar on October 6 – Sex and violence in the symbiotic world of lichens
Centre of Excellence EcolChange starts with open seminars. The first seminar will be held ...
International conference "Lahemaa 45 - Local communities, cultural landscapes and heritage"
Environmental Board of Estonia in cooperation with Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian Ac...
Center of excellence EcolChange first seminar on May 23
The first seminar of new center of excellence EcolChange will take place on Monday, 23rd of May, 12.00 in room 2C5 in Metsamaja (Kreutzwaldi 5). There will be two presentations (both in English):
“Short information about the new Centre of Excellence” – Ülo Niinemets
“Field experiments in Järvselja and perspectives” – Steffen Noe, Dmitrii Krasnov
First Announcement! IOBC/WPRS Working Group “ Integrated Control in Oilseed Crops “: “Prospects and progress for sustainable oilseed crop protection“, Tartu (Estonia) 7 – 9 September 2016
We are happy to announce that the next meeting of the ICOC Working Group will be held at the Institu...
How ENVIRON has contributed to understanding adaptation to global change
Ecosystems have a large capacity to adapt to environmental perturbations, but so far, most of the fu...