The Centre for Limnology is hosting an international summer school on limnology
Lake Võrtsjärv
The Centre for Limnology at the University of Life Sciences is hosting an international summer school on limnology in June 5-9.
The summer school will feature lecturers from Aarhus University, University of Jyväskylä, and the Estonian University of Life Sciences who will share their knowledge and experience in lake research. The course will cover a wide range of activities related to this area of study, including teaching about the main species living in Lake Võrtsjärv, demonstrating how to collect and analyze samples, and presenting the results.
Students from all three participating universities and also from the University of Tartu will have the opportunity to experience a real expedition atmosphere during the course. They will spend two days and nights at the southern end of Võrtsjärv, where they will set up a tent camp and learn about the living species of the lake and research methods from morning until night. Additionally, they will learn simple tips for coping in nature.
According to senior researcher Helen Agasild, one of the main organizers of the course, "a course like this is very necessary today to stimulate deep interest and enthusiasm in future lake researchers to study our lakes and stand up for their good condition."
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951963.