Thesis Defense: Thaisa Fernandes Bergamo - Combining unmanned aerial vehicles and a mesocosm experiment to unveil plant communities shifts under global change conditions in coastal meadows (November 22, 2022)
On November 22nd starting at 11:15 (room 2C5 of Kreutzwaldi 5) doctoral student Thaisa Fernandes Bergamo will be defending her thesis „Combining unmanned aerial vehicles and a mesocosm experiment to unveil plant communities shifts under global change conditions in coastal meadows" for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Protection.
Supervisors: Prof. Kalev Sepp, Dr. Raymond D. Ward, Prof. Christopher B. Joyce (University of Brighton)
Opponent: Prof. Dr. Keith Edwards (University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic)
Abstract and PDF full text are available in Library of Estonian University of Life Sciences DSpace archive: