31.05.2022 Open Lecture: Dr. Roxane Maranger - Coupled biogeochemical cycles across space and time in a north temperate river
Dr. Roxane Maranger (Professeure titulaire, Université de Montréal, Canada) is visiting our university and will held here an open lecture “Coupled biogeochemical cycles across space and time in a north temperate river”
When: May 31, 2022,13:00-15:00
Where: Eesti Maaűlikool, Metsamaja, D143 (aquarium room) and
(PK.1684, Basics for scientific research in fishery and applied ecology)
Dr. Roxane Maranger (Twitter: @Water_Rox) is an aquatic ecosystem ecologist studying the intersection of biogeochemistry and the impacts of microbial processes on global carbon and nitrogen cycles. Dr. Maranger is the current President of ASLO, with over 4500 members from around the world, and serves on the scientific committee for Future Earth (, an international sustainability initiative, which builds on the history of the International Geosphere Biosphere Program (IGBP), International Human Dimensions Program (IHDP), and Diversitas.