Thesis Defense: Kristel Panksep - From microscopy to genes - unmasking toxic cyanobacteria in a shallow eutrophic lake (May 23, 2022)
On May 23rd starting at 11:15 doctoral student Kristel Panksep will be defending her thesis „From microscopy to genes - unmasking toxic cyanobacteria in a shallow eutrophic lake" for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Biology.
Supervisors: Prof. Veljo Kisand, Dr. Helen Agasild, Prof. Kaarina Sivonen (University of Helsinki)
Opponent: Prof. Gabor Vasas, University of Debrecen, Hungary
The defense will take place Kreutzwaldi 5-D239
Abstract and PDF full text are available in Library of Estonian University of Life Sciences DSpace archive: