Thesis Defense: Ingrid Bender - Effect of organic management methods on yield and quality of carrot and on weeds (December 17, 2021)
On December 17th starting at 10:15 doctoral student Ingrid Bender will be defending her thesis „Effect of organic management methods on yield and quality of carrot and on weeds" for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture.
Supervisors: Anne Luik, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Estonian University of Life Sciences; Evelin Loit, PhD, Associate Professor, Estonian University of Life Sciences; Ilmar Tamm, PhD, Senior Researcher, Estonian Crop Research Institute.
Opponent: Terhi Suojala-Ahlfors, PhD, Senior Scientist, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke).
The defense will take place via BBB virtual webroom:
Abstract and PDF full text are available in Library of Estonian University of Life Sciences DSpace archive: