15.05.2020 Thesis Pre-defence: Oleksandr Karasov - Mapping landscape organization conditions, enabling use of cultural ecosystem services, by means of remote sensing and location-based social media data: a resource-driven approach
On next Wednesday, May 15th 2020 at 3.15 PM pre-defence of the PhD dissertation by Oleksandr KARASOV will be held in the BBB web room The room will be open from 3PM.
Pre-defence of the PhD dissertation by Oleksandr KARASOV
Title: Mapping landscape organization conditions, enabling use of cultural ecosystem services, by means of remote sensing and location-based social media data: a resource-driven approach
Supervisors: Prof Mart Külvik and Prof Ihor Chervanyov
Opponent: Dr Anu Noorma (Tartu University, Tartu observatory)