Dr. Yu-Fai Leung lectures about nature tourism
Dr. Yu-Fai Leung is Professor and Director of Graduate Program of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management in the College of Natural Resources at North Carolina State University, USA. His research seeks to advance the science, monitoring, and management of visitor use (recreation, tourism, ecotourism, geotourism) in protected areas from local to global scales, with a primary focus on monitoring and management of visitor-associated impacts on protected area resources. Hei s the menber of IUCN and TAPAS commissions. Prof Leung will give a seminar, public lecture and a keynote speech in Nature tourism conference at the Estonian University of Life Sciences on following topics
Keynote speech „Towards best practices of tourism and visitor management in global protected areas“ on March 10th at 10.00 Kreutzwaldi 5 – D EMÜ Hall Kreutzwaldi 1
Seminar „Important topics in recreation and ecotourism“ on March 11th at 10.00 Kreutzwaldi 5 – D218
Public lecture „Nature tourism in the World“ on March 11th at 10.00 Kreutzwaldi 5 – 2B19
Everyone is welcome!
Professor Leung’s visit is supported by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund (Estonian University of Life Sciences ASTRA project „Value-chain based bio-economy“).