20.02.2020: IntASEK Virtual Career Day
The Virtual Career Day of the ERASMUS+ project "International Applied Soil and Plant Ecology Knowledge" (IntASEK) is taking place again. The third Career Day starts at 14.00 o'clock onn 20th of February. Representativesof several projects, companies and associations will present their institutions and give an overview of opportunities for jobs, internships and theses at their institutions.
The talks will be broadcasted via webinar, so you can join from any place with internet access. The link for the webinar is: . An other option is to join with Estonaian partners who are located in Kreutzwaldi 5 room D114. Webinar allows asking questions during presentations via chat option. All the communication is in english. Webinar access do not ask any entering code but use your real name please. For creating the connection you have to have freeware Adobe Connect to be installed.
14:00 Welcome and introduction to the Virtual Career Day
14:05 Dr. Kirsten Jung (Biodiversity Exploratories, Germany)
14:20 Karme Petrutis (Agricultural Research Centre, Estonia)
14:35 Margus Ameerikas (Baltic Agro, Estonia)
14:50 Samuel Dijoux (University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic)
15:05 Discussion
Info: Endla Reintam,