The annual conference of PhD students of the Instituute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
The annual conference of PhD students of the Instituute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will be held in the aula of EMÜ (Kreutzwaldi 1a) at Nov. 19 2015. The plenary speaker is Professor of landscape ecology Robert Gerald Henry Bunce. Each presentation duration will be 15 minutes and we will also spare an additional time (5 minutes) for some questions from the floor. Session chairs will be very strict regarding the duration of presentations, so speakers are requested to adjust to their time. In addition, poster presentations of PhD students are welcome (also those used in other conferences are suitable). For registering yourself and your poster presentations please visit:
8.30 Registration
9.00 Avasõnad Aret Vooremäe, PKI direktor
9.10 Plenaarettekanne. Prof. Bob Bunce – Assessment of change in landscapes and vegetation
Doktorantide ettekanded
10.00 Alisa Krasnova – CO2 fluxes at SMEAR Estonia
10.20 Marek Maasikmets – Determination of air emissions from diffusive sources
10.40 Sirli Pehme – Loodusliku ja kultuurheina kasutamine lisasubstraadina sõnnikust biogaasi tootmisel – keskkonnamõjud läbi olelusringi
11.00 -11.20 Coffee break
11.20 Katrin Saar – Kliimamuutuse ja eutrofeerumise mõju fosfori vormide jaotumisele järvede settes
11.40 Mailiis Tampere – Lämmastiku ja kaaliumi leostumine rohumaal sõltuvalt väetamisest ja lämmastiku normist
12.00 Kristel Panksepa – Toksiliste sinivetikate tuvastamine ja arvukuse hindamine Eesti suurjärvedes
12.20 Diego Sànchez de Cima – Soil properties affected by different farming managements.
12.40- 13.40 Lunch
13.40 Gabriella Kovacs – Host plant preferences of the cabbage seed weevil (Ceutorhynchus obstrictus) and its parasitoids
14.00 Riin Muljar – The effect of kaolin and the microbial biopesticides Prestop Mix and BotaniGard on the respiratory physiology and longevity of bumblebees
14.20 Reelika Rätsep – Puuviljade ja marjade biokeemiline koostis mõjutatuna kasvatustehnoloogiatest
14.40 Luta Lopp – The cost of clonal propagation in plants?
15.00 - 15.20 Coffee break
15.20 Pille Tomson – Ajaloolise alepõllunduse mõjust Eesti metsakooslustele
15.40 Dmitrii Krasnov – Microtopographical heterogeneity of hemiboreal forest.
16.00 Annika Konovalov – Must-toonekurgede pesitsusökoloogia uuring levila põhjapiiril paljastab madala pesitsusedukuse põhjused
Info: Marika Mänd (, Kristel Kirsimäe (