International E-CLIC conference "Landscape of possibilities", May 7-8 Tartu
This international conference will address how to improve understanding of the European Landscape Convention (ELC) by presenting ideas generated in national competitions popularizing the ELC and by presenting the project results. We invite researchers and practitioners to exchange research issues and practice in all aspects of the ELC! The conference will popularise the aims of the ELC by presentations, lectures and workshops. The conference is hosted by the Estonian University of Life Sciences in association with the E-CLIC project ( as a two-day event kicking off with a field visit to see Baltic landscapes through the lenses of the European Landscape Convention.
Wednesday May 6th
14.00 First guided tour of places in Estonia connected to European Landscape Convention challenges
Thursday May 7th
9.00 Registration
9.30 Conference opening and welcome by Tartu City, host Friedrich Kuhlmann and coordinator Fouli Papageorgiou
10.00 Project report on the national E-CLIC competitions
10.30 Keynote Lecture I – Maria Derlõš / Urban activist and Kaja Pae / Architect
11.30 Presenting competition entries I
13.45 Lunch at EMU
14.45 Presenting competition entries II
17.30 Urban Diving in Annelinn - Jonas Büchel / Urban Institute Riga
19.00 Lecture and reception at Annelinn neighbourhood - Aljona Galazan / Estonian Landscape Architects Union
Friday May 8th
9.30 Keynote Lecture II – Ellen Fetzer / Nürtingen University of Applied Sciences
10.15 Presenting competition entries III
12.30 Landscape of possibilities: Landscape Theater, Sketch workshop, Selfiescapes, ‘My favourite Landscapes’
14.00 Round-table discussion
14.45 Lunch at EMU
15.30 Landscape of possibilities and coffee and announcement of winners of the E-CLIC competition
18.30 Keynote Lecture in Loomemajanduskeskus on community work at Karlova selts NGO - Edgar Kaare
19.30 Final event: Estonian grill and music entertainment with food and DJ music
Saturday May 9th
9.30 Second guided tour of places in Estonia connected to European Landscape Convention challenges
Contact & questions: Friedrich Kuhlmann,