International seminar: Soil trafficability – challenges for soils and vehicles. Tartu, Estonia, March 26–27, 2015
Seminar website:
Venue: Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia
Call for Papers
The seminar is organized in the frame of the project “Assessment of trafficability of soils by combat armour vehicle in Estonia” in collaboration of Estonian Ministry of Defence, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian National Defence College and Estonian Defence Forces. Vehicle operation on unpaved surfaces is a field of interest in military, agriculture, exploration, construction, and recreation applications. Frequent problems accompanied with the vehicle operations on landscape are destruction of soil and plant cover, formation of tracks and entrapment of vehicles, causing damages to the nature and not allowing vehicles to perform their tasks. The tire– soil interaction determines the mobility of the vehicle and then characterizes its dynamics. The interactions depends on vehicle type, its properties, motion conditions (speed, number of passes, turning needs ect.), soil properties, relief, land use and climatic conditions. Dry or frozen soil can support vehicle operations as good as roads. However, conditions can change drastically during wet conditions, rain and snow events.
Therefore, seminar focuses on investigation and modelling of both sides: a) vehicle developments for better soil–tyre interactions and b) soil properties change in time.
Papers for either oral or poster presentations are invited on the following subjects keeping in mind military vechicles and practical output to the defence forces:
– Tires, wheels and tracks
– Soil and terrain
– Operations on snow and ice
– Trafficability maps
Dates and Deadlines
January 12, 2015: Abstract submission
March 19, 2015: Registration
March 26, 2015: Full paper (requirements will be announced)
There is no registration fee. Participants cover only cost of travel and accommodation.
Final registration for presentations – March 19, 2015
Registration can be done via website or send your confirmation of participation to Endla Reintam
For more detailed information please visit seminar website: