International Conference: Humus forms and biologically active compounds as indicators of pedodiversity, 27–28 August 2012, Tartu, Estonia
The conference is held on the occasion of 10 years of scientific collaboration between the Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment (IAFE, Poznan) and the Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMÜ, Tartu) on soil organic matter research.
Proposals for presentations can be transmitted online via the registration form of the conference website, where the title and the preferred kind of presentation (oral or poster) should be mentioned. Abstracts of accepted oral and poster presentations will be published in the Book of abstracts. Abstracts and presentations should be prepared and presented in English.
The selected presentations will be published as full papers in a special issue of the Estonian Journal of Ecology (
The conference addresses primarily researches on pedo-climatic conditions in Northern and Central Europe. Studies may cover a wide range of land uses (arable, forest, grassland), soil types (from mineral to organic soils) and properties (texture, moisture regime, acidity, calcareousness and others). As the program is focused mainly on studies of organic matter influx and its transformation in the soil, research on gas emissions from soil (or outflux) is not included into the list of conference topics. The official language of the conference is English.
Conference main topics are:
- Ecological and indicative aspects of humus forms
- Biologically active compounds in soil and methods of their determination
- Kinetics of soil organic matter decomposition and transformation
- Spatial-temporal patterns of soil organic matter accumulation and functioning
- Soil-type specific organic matter fabric, composition and turnover
- Classification and taxonomy of soil organic matter and humus forms.
Links: General Deadlines Registration Second circular (download pdf)
Preliminary program:
26.08.2012 Arrival
27.08.2012 9.00–10.00 Registration and mounting of posters
10.00–10.15 Opening
10.15–11.45 Keynote talks
Prof. Gabriele Broll (University of Osnabrueck, Germany)
Humus forms and topsoil classification. Where do we stand?
Prof. Lech Szajdak (IAFE, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
The effectiveness of simultaneous chemical and physical analyses as a tool for the
understanding of processes and mechanisms in soils.
12.00–17.30 Two sessions (morning and afternoon) of oral presentations
Poster presentations
19.00 Dinner
28.08.2012 9.00–18.00 Field trip (scientific excursion)
29.08.2012 Departure